Supreme Court Today Upholds Constitutionality of Ban on Campaign Contributions and Expenditures from Foreign Nationals

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 is pleased that the Supreme Court today issued a summary affirmance of a lower court ruling that correctly upheld the constitutionality of the ban on contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals in U.S. elections. In a decision issued last August in the case of Bluman v. FEC, […]

Serious Questions Exist About Legality of Presidential Super PACs, According to Democracy 21 Report Issued Today

Unless Candidate-Specific Super PACs Stopped, System of Legalized Bribery Will Return to our Democracy, Report Says In a report issued today, Democracy 21 documented the serious questions that exist about the legality of the leading presidential candidate-specific Super PACs that are playing a major role in the 2012 presidential election. The Democracy 21 report also […]

The New York Times: The Slush Funds of Iowa

Turning on the television in Iowa recently has meant getting hit by an unrelenting arctic blast of campaign ads stunning in volume and ferocity. Residents here say they have never seen anything like the constant negativity in decades of witnessing the quadrennial combat of the state presidential caucuses. The ads have transformed the Republican race for a […]

The Sacramento Bee: Super PACs will rule if Congress doesn’t act

Campaign consultants and attorneys never seem to be a loss for ways to exploit outdated campaign finance laws to hide the sources of campaign money, to the detriment of voters. As voters head to caucuses in Iowa tonight, ahead of New Hampshire’s primary next week, managers of so-called Super PACs have seized on an especially […]

Van Hollen Lawsuit Challenging Flawed FEC Contribution Disclosure Regulations Will be Heard in Court Next Week

Next week on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, oral argument will be heard in the case of Van Hollen v. Federal Election Commission. The argument will take place at 10 am in Courtroom 3 before Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. According to Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer: The Van […]