Watchdog Groups Submit New Information to IRS Showing Crossroads GPS Not Entitled to Section 501(c)(4) Tax-Exempt Status
Former federal, state and local election officials filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court on Friday, May 17, 2012 challenging the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC and calling on the Court to reconsider its position in the case. The brief was filed in American Tradition Partnership v. Bullock in support […]
Federal Appeals Court Decision Changes Plans For Many Nonprofits May 21, 2012 By Eliza Newlin Carney– Rep. Chris Van Hollen’s lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission prompted a court to order the FEC to write new disclosure rules for campaign ads by nonprofits. With the stroke of a pen, a federal appeals court ruling has […]
VOTE FOR S. 2219, THE DISCLOSE ACT OF 2012 Dear Senator, The undersigned organizations support S. 2219, the DISCLOSE Act 2012, sponsored by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. The legislation would provide the public with basic information about campaign expenditures made by outside groups that are influencing federal elections and the donors financing these expenditures. The legislation […]
A three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit late yesterday turned down a request to stay a district court ruling that struck down an FEC regulation that had all but eliminated the disclosure of donors to groups that make “electioneering communications” in federal elections. The district court ruling by Judge Amy […]
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