Brief from Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, League of Women Voters, CREW and Other Reform Groups
|Archive |by DianeDemocracy 21 Legal Team Headed by Former Solicitor General Seth Waxman Files Supreme Court Brief Defending Contribution Limits
|Archive |by DianeRepresentatives Chris Van Hollen and David Price submitted an amicus brief yesterday to the Supreme Court to defend the constitutionality of the limits on the aggregate amount an individual can give to all federal candidates and to all party committees in a two-year election cycle. Representatives Van Hollen and Price are campaign finance reform leaders […]
Watchdogs’ Filing Reminds FEC that it Has No Authority to Declare Federal Laws Unconstitutional
|Archive |by DianeLate yesterday, the Campaign Legal Center, joined by Democracy 21, filed comments in response to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) 2013-09, which asks the agency to exceed its authority by declaring a statute unconstitutional and announcing that the agency will no longer enforce the statute—even though the Supreme Court has upheld […]
Reform Groups Urge Representatives to Vote No on Latest Attempt to Repeal Presidential Public Financing System
|Archive |by DianeIn a letter sent today to the House of Representatives, reform groups urged House members to vote no on H.R. 2019, sponsored by Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS), which purports to provide for a 10-year pediatric research initiative and repeals the presidential public financing system. The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, […]