Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

The “Perils Of Pauline” Rollercoaster Ride Ahead In Congress

  FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 1, 2021 “Get ready for a Perils of Pauline rollercoaster ride in Congress in the coming weeks.” Legislation to prevent a government shutdown passed on Wednesday. Legislation to increase or suspend the debt ceiling will pass. Infrastructure legislation will pass. Budget reconciliation legislation will pass. And, legislation to protect […]

Trump’s Big Lie Continues

The former President continues to spread his Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. According to a recent poll, Trump has managed to convince an astonishing 78 percent of Republicans that President Biden was not legitimately elected, even though there is not a shred of evidence to support Trump’s blatantly false claim. […]

Senate Breakthrough: The Freedom To Vote Act Is Introduced

A major breakthrough occurred in the Senate yesterday when a revised version of the For the People Act – sweeping voting rights and anti-corruption legislation – was introduced. The new bill, the Freedom to Vote Act (S. 2747), represents the work of eight Democratic and Independent Senators, led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). […]

Voting Rights & The Senate: It Will All Come Down To The Filibuster

Congress faces an overwhelming schedule this month. Funding for the government runs out on September 30 and must be extended. The debt ceiling limit needs to be increased so the United States can pay the debts already incurred. The reconciliation budget process – involving multiple committees in both the House and Senate – is moving […]

The March For Voting Rights Is Saturday & Looking Ahead To September Action In The Senate

This is not an easy time in America. The situation in Afghanistan, culminating in today’s terrorist attacks that tragically killed and wounded American servicemen and civilians and innocent Afghan civilians, is a matter of immediate national attention. The continuing spread of the pandemic and natural disasters, including historic wildfires and floods, also deserve our attention […]

President Biden’s Moment Of Truth On Voting Rights Has Arrived

The moment of truth on voting rights has arrived for President Biden. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced last week that the Senate’s first order of business when it returns in September will be voting rights legislation. President Biden must decide whether he will finally engage in the battle in Congress to pass this […]

President Biden Must Join Battle To Save Our Democracy As We Know It

The White House announced yesterday that President Biden will hold a two-day “Summit For Democracy” for world leaders in December. This ironic announcement comes at a time when our own democracy is facing multiple grave threats. And, it comes at a time when President Biden and his Administration has spent almost all of 2021 refusing […]

New Vote On S. 1 Could Be Soon; Small Donor Financing Provisions Must Stay In Bill

There are published reports today that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will schedule a second procedural vote in the coming days on the For the People Act. This pending legislation will protect voting rights, stop Washington political money corruption, and prevent partisan gerrymandering. A companion bill, H.R. 1, passed the House in March. Senate Republicans are […]

A Major Breakthrough On Voting Rights & Democracy Reform

There was a major breakthrough Wednesday on voting rights and other democracy reforms when Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), previously an opponent of S. 1, the For the People Act, said he and other Senate Democrats were drafting a revised bill. According to The Washington Post, Senator Manchin said a new bill could be released in […]

We Need Action, Not Just Words, From President Biden On Voting Rights

President Biden in his passionate voting rights speech on July 13, said, “Perhaps the most important of those things — the most fundamental of those things — is the right to vote.” The President also said in the speech, “It’s up to all of us to protect that right [to vote]. This is a test of our time.” So […]