Press Releases Archive

D21 Files 7th DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr, Requests Investigation of US Attorney Berman’s Removal

Democracy 21 Files Seventh DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr for Failing to Comply with DOJ Norms, Standards and Rules Complaint Calls for Investigation by IG and OPR of Circumstances Surrounding Removal of SDNY US Attorney Berman Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility at the Department […]

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer House passage today of statehood for the District of Columbia is a great victory for the citizens of D.C. Our nation was born out of the idea that taxation without representation was abhorrent to […]

Restoring the Voting Rights Act, 7 Years After Shelby

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted a core provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.The right of every eligible citizen to vote goes to the heart of our constitutional system of representative government. It is the basis upon which the […]

D21 Sends Letter to Representatives Urging Support for George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020

Enclosed for your information is a letter sent on June 24, 2020 by Democracy 21 to Members of Congress urging their support for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020. Find the full text of the letter below. – June 24, 2020 Dear Representative, Democracy 21 strongly supports the George Floyd Justice in […]

D21 Files 6th DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr, This Time for Appointing Former Trump Aide to Lead Criminal Investigation into Obama Administration ‘Unmasking’

Democracy 21 Files Sixth DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr, This Time for Appointing Former Trump White House Aide to Lead Criminal Investigation into Obama Administration ‘Unmasking’ Complaint Says Barr Should Not Have Opened Investigation Just Months Before Presidential Election and Bash Should Not Be Leading the Investigation Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the […]

An Inflection Point for America

An Inflection Point for America (Fred Wertheimer | June 5, 2020 | Medium) The tragic, senseless, brutal killing of African American George Floyd by a police officer, aided and abetted by three fellow officers, and its aftermath, may well turn out to be an inflection point for America. The killing has awakened the nation to […]

Wertheimer op-ed: Trump’s Michigan voter fraud comments reveal America’s desperate need for reforms – NBC Think

An op-ed by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Trump’s Michigan voter fraud comments reveal America’s desperate need for reforms,” was published here in NBC Think on May 24, 2020.

Trump’s Political Blackmail

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 21, 2020 “The protections needed for our system of representative government are clear. We must ensure that safe and secure elections take place in every state in the union.” President Trump’s latest attacks on voting by mail reveal in stark terms his plans for the November presidential election. Trump’s […]

Barr Ignores Settled DOJ Policies in Obsessive Pursuit of DOJ Investigators – Wertheimer article in Just Security

  Attorney General Barr Ignores Long-Established DOJ Rules in Obsessive Pursuit of DOJ Investigators of Russian Interference in 2016 Election Enclosed for your information is an article by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled “Barr Ignores Settled DOJ Policies in Run Up to 2020 Elections,” which was published here in Just Security on May 7, […]

Biden Announces A First Priority for a Biden Administration Will Be Comprehensive Reforms, as Reflected in H.R. 1

Biden Announces A First Priority for a Biden Administration Will Be Comprehensive Reforms, as Reflected in H.R. 1 Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced yesterday “A first priority of a Biden Administration will be to lead on a comprehensive set of reforms like those reflected in the For the People Act (H.R. 1) to […]