Press Releases Archive

Fred Wertheimer – “Did Chief Justice Roberts Dissemble or did the Chief Justice Have no Idea What He Was Talking About?”

In the recently decided McCutcheon case, Chief Justice Roberts in his opinion breezily dismissed examples submitted in briefs by Democracy 21 and others of what would happen if the Supreme Court struck down the limits on the total contributions an individual could give to federal candidates and political parties. The examples before the Supreme Court […]

Fred Wertheimer “The Consequences of Today’s Disastrous Decision by the Supreme Court Majority in the McCutcheon Case”

The Supreme Court today struck down the overall limits on the total amounts that an individual could give to party committees and to federal candidates in a two-year election cycle. With its decision, the Court overturned 40 years of national policy and 38 years of judicial precedent. The Court today held that the overall contribution […]

Fred Wertheimer Statement on McCutcheon vs FEC

Supreme Court Continued Today on its March to Destroy the Nation’s Campaign Finance Laws Enacted to Prevent Corruption The Supreme Court in the McCutcheon decision today overturned 40 years of national policy and 38 years of judicial precedent to strike down the overall limits on the total contributions from an individual to federal candidates and […]

Democracy 21/Brennan Center Report: “Empowering Small Donors in Federal Elections”

New Proposal Seeks to Boost the Power of Small Donors After Citizens United How a Public Matching Fund Program Can Mobilize Voters and Change the Way We Finance Campaigns Washington, DC –To counter the outsized role of big money in politics after Citizens United, a new plan to boost the power of small donors in […]

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on Supreme Court’s Decision to Leave Citizens United Standing

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The Supreme Court today has left standing the disastrous Citizens United decision and the enormous damage it is doing to our democracy and political system. Nevertheless, the battle in Congress, the states and the courts for effective campaign finance laws to prevent the corruption of our officeholders and […]

Legislation to Respond to the Citizens United Decision: Myths & Realities Part 3

Legislation to respond to the Citizens United decision was introduced on April 29, 2010 by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Mike Castle (R-DE).  This is Democracy 21’s third “myths and realities” release on the legislation.  Myth: The Schumer-Van Hollen bill is biased because its restrictions do not apply to […]

Legislation to Respond to the Citizens United Decision: Myths & Realities Part 4

Legislation to respond to the Citizens United decision was introduced on April 29, 2010 by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Mike Castle (R-DE).  This is Democracy 21’s fourth "myths and realities" release on the legislation. Myth: The legislation introduced by Representative Van Hollen is a partisan bill. Reality: This […]

Legislation to Respond to the Citizens United Decision: Myths & Realities Part 2

Legislation to respond to the Citizens United decision was introduced on April 29, 2010 by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Mike Castle (R-DE).  This is Democracy 21’s second “myths and realities” release on the legislation. Myth:  Under the new legislation, non-profit (c) (4) advocacy organizations (most are incorporated) that […]

Statement of Democracy 21 President on Legislation Introduced to Respond to Citizens United Decision

Democracy 21 strongly applauds Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Mike Castle (R-DE) for the important national leadership they have provided in proposing legislation to respond to the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case. The legislation provides Congress with the opportunity to mitigate the destructive impact of the […]

Legislation to Respond to the Citizens United Decision: Myths & Realities Part 1

Legislation was introduced today to respond to the Citizens United decision by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and by Representatives Chris Van Hollen and Mike Castle (R-DE). This is Democracy 21’s first “myths and realities” release to deal with incorrect and inaccurate claims made about the legislation. We will continue to issue these releases as circumstances […]