Fred Wertheimer Politico Op-ed: “The Right Kind of Reform”

POLITICO Op-ed The Right Kind of Reform Fred Wertheimer The indictments last week of a New York state senator and five other New York politicians in an alleged bribery scandal once again focused the public spotlight on the dangers of influence money in the political system. And as the late Sen. Russell Long of Louisiana […]

E.J. Dionne op-ed in Washington post: “Fighting Big Money with Big Money

The Washington Post Fighting big money with big money By E.J. Dionne Jr. If you are tired of seeing the debate on guns dominated by the National Rifle Association and yearn for sensible weapons laws, you have to love New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. When most politicians were caving in or falling silent, there was […]

Watchdog Groups Question Whether President Obama’s Involvement in Organizing for Action Complies with Ethics in Government Act

In a letter sent today to President Obama, Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, wrote that “your involvement with Organizing for Action (OFA) raises serious questions about whether you are complying with the Ethics in Government Act ban on the solicitation of gifts by executive branch officials, including the President.” According to the […]

Roll Call Column: “Rules of the Game: Obama’s Nonprofit Carries on Dubious Tradition”

Roll Call Rules of the Game: Obama’s Nonprofit Carries on Dubious Tradition By Eliza Newlin Carney A Democratic rising star who campaigned on a platform of sweeping ethics changes draws fire once in power, after his top campaign donors bankroll a secretive nonprofit promoting his agenda. Sound familiar? It’s a story that should ring a […]

Washington Post editorial: “Pay-to-play politics reach the Oval Office”

The Washington Post Pay-to-play politics reach the Oval Office By Editorial Board– They will now disclose the names of those who donate $250 or more to the new advocacy group Organizing for Action, which is intended to advance the president’s second-term agenda. Jim Messina, the group’s national chairman, promises to post the donors’ names and […]

Statement by Fred Wertheimer Concerning Organizing for Action

According to an op-ed by Jim Messina, the National Chairman for Organizing for Action, published March 7, 2013 on, “[E]very donor who gives $250 or more to this organization will be disclosed on the website with the exact amount they give on a quarterly basis. We have now decided not to accept contributions from […]

No Set Price for Meetings with President? Really?

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer White House press secretary Jay Carney today reportedly said at his daily briefing, “Any notion that there is a set price for a meeting with the president of the United States is just wrong.” Really? So what does Mr. Carney make of the following published reports? An article […]

Watchdogs Urge More Disclosure of Expenditures by Political Committees in Comments on FEC Rule

Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing comments with the Federal Election Commission supporting a draft rule interpreting disclosure requirements for political committee expenditures and urging the Commission to require even more detailed disclosure of payments by a committee’s vendor to subvendors on behalf of that committee.

Editorials from the New York Times and the Washington Post on Organizing for Action

The New York Times The White House Joins the Cash Grab By: Editorial Board March 3, 2013 It is tempting to applaud the nonprofit group now spending nearly $100,000 on ads to pressure Republican lawmakers to accept gun-control measures. The group is fighting a well-financed and powerful corporate gun lobby that has never hesitated to […]

Contractor Contribution Ban Defended by Watchdogs in Appeals Court Filing

Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center and Public Citizen in filing an amici brief in Wagner v. FEC opposing an effort to overturn the 70-year-old ban on campaign contributions by federal contractors.  The case is currently on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia after a federal district […]