Responses to Arguments Made by McCutcheon and RNC in McCutcheon Case

Responses to Arguments Made by McCutcheon and RNC in Supreme Court Campaign Finance Case  By Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer and Democracy 21 Counsel Don Simon On October 8, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case was brought by Shaun McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee and […]

The McCutcheon Case: Chief Justice Roberts and His Past Record on Contribution Limits

The McCutcheon Case: Chief Justice Roberts and His Past Record on Contribution Limits By Fred Wertheimer– President, Democracy 21 On October 8, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case brought by Shaun McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee  challenges the constitutionality of the overall contribution limits on […]

From Buckley to McCutcheon: A Brief History

A Brief History of the Supreme Court and Contribution Limits on Individuals By: Fred Wertheimer For almost four decades, the Supreme Court consistently has held that federal limits on contributions to candidates and parties are constitutional as a means to prevent corruption. On October 8, the Supreme Court will face this question once again. In […]

Democracy 21 Fact Sheet on McCutcheon Supreme Court Case

What Would Happen if the Supreme Court Struck Down Overall Limits on Contributions? The fact sheet shows why the overall contribution limits are essential to protecting our democracy against corruption. For almost four decades, the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that federal contributions can be constitutionally limited to protect against corruption and the appearance of […]

Q and A on McCutcheon Supreme Court Case

McCutcheon v Federal Election Commission: Q and A on Supreme Court case that challenges the constitutionality of the overall limits on the total amount an individual can contribute to federal candidates and political party committees This Q and A is part of a series of articles and background memorandum Democracy 21 is issuing on McCutcheon […]

Rep. Van Hollen and Watchdog Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Flawed IRS Regulations

Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), joined by Democracy 21, the Campaign Legal Center and Public Citizen, filed a lawsuit today in federal district court in Washington, D.C challenging the IRS regulations that govern eligibility for tax-exempt status as a section 501(c)(4) “social welfare” organization. Attorneys from the three organizations are representing the plaintiffs in the […]

Watchdogs File FEC Complaint Against Santorum Campaign for Illegally Directing Super PAC Contributions

Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), against Rick Santorum and campaign staffers for directing a donor to make a $1 million campaign contribution to a super PAC supporting Santorum’s 2012 presidential run.  Federal candidates and their staff are prohibited by the McCain-Feingold law’s […]

Watchdogs Urge FEC to Reject Democratic & Republican Parties’ Request to Use “Recount Funds” as Slush Funds

Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing comments with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in response to an Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) 2013-10, in which both the Democratic and Republican parties seek to use their segregated “recount funds” to pay for office building expenses and in effect double their federal contribution limits. The […]

Reform Groups Oppose Effort by Rep. Miller to Press for Premature FEC Action on Controversial Proposal to Undermine Enforcement

In a letter sent today to FEC Chair Ellen L. Weintraub, reform groups expressed strong opposition to the position taken by Representative Candice Miller (R-MI), Chairwoman of the House Administration Committee, in which she criticized the FEC for failing to adopt an agency Enforcement Manual and urged the Commission to act promptly on the matter. […]

Brief from Americans for Campaign Reform