Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

Paul Ryan’s Impending Choices

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 23, 2018 “Does Ryan enable or prevent the effort by House Freedom Caucus leaders, Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, to hold Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt of Congress?” As the walls are closing in on President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan has a fateful decision to […]

President Trump’s August: The Manic, Panicked President

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 16, 2018 “President Trump likes to talk about his base, but the reality is that the President’s base is a distinct minority of Americans.” President Trump has been acting in recent days as a manic, panicked president. Trump revokes John Brennan’s security clearance in an unprecedented action to punish […]

Major Reform Opportunities Follow Major Scandals in Washington

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 10, 2018 “Since he became President, Trump has presided over the most corrupt and unethical administration in modern memory.” Yesterday, Representative Chris Collins (R-NY) was indicted for violating insider trading rules. A very powerful case was spelled out against him in the indictment. This week also saw a detailed […]

Protecting The Mueller Investigation Means Defending Rosenstein, Too

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 2, 2018 “It is essential that both Mueller and Rosenstein be forcefully defended at every step of the way.” President Trump has hit the panic button. In calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions yesterday to shut down the Mueller investigation, of which he is a subject, the President publicly […]

President Trump’s Dangerous Poll Numbers

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 26, 2018 “President Trump is currently paying a big price with the American people for his irrational and often irresponsible approach to governing our country.” Recent polls confirm that President Trump’s Helsinki summit was a disaster for the President, with a Quinnipiac poll, for example, showing Trump’s approval rating […]

Nationwide Vigils Show That The American People Want To Repair Our Dysfunctional Political System

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 19, 2018 “The fight goes on.” Last night, nearly 200 candlelight vigils took place in 39 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico to “Confront Corruption and Demand Democracy.” The unprecedented nationwide vigils were held to demand that Congress enact sweeping democracy reforms to address the corrupt and broken political […]

Donald Trump’s “Swamp” Grows Ever-Larger

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 12, 2018 “President Trump continues to set the example for his Administration of how to abuse public office for personal gain.” Donald Trump’s Washington “swamp” is growing exponentially these days. Here are just a few examples of his ever-deepening swamp: Former EPA head Scott Pruitt had so many ethics […]

Jared Kushner’s Conflicts of Interest

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JUNE 28, 2018 “The American people are entitled to have public officials who do not create the appearance, if not the reality, of financial conflicts of interest, and who do not make use of their public office for private gain.” Democracy 21 and CREW called on the Office of Government […]

The Parallels Between Nixon And Trump

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JUNE 21, 2018 “President Trump believes he can do anything, to anyone, at any time. His recent subhuman treatment of immigrant children is but one example of his persistent efforts to inflict pain and divide the nation.“ There are both parallels and stark differences between the Watergate scandals of the […]

The IG Report Shows No Political Bias In FBI

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JUNE 14, 2018 “It is simply Orwellian to say that the IG report, which shows that Comey broke the DOJ rules in ways that hurt Clinton and helped Trump, is evidence that Mueller’s investigation should never have been started and should now be ended.” The Department of Justice Inspector General’s […]