Op-Eds Archive

Trump’s bogus Clinton allegations assault the rule of law — CNN Opinion piece by Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer

Trump’s bogus Clinton allegations assault the rule of law By Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer | Published here on CNN Opinion (CNN) – In recent weeks, President Trump and his allies have been desperately seeking to divert attention away from the Russia/Trump investigation by ginning up an alternative review of a Democratic scandal. The latest […]

U.S. Politics Are Rigged. It’s Time For a Small-Donor Revolution — Fred Wertheimer Op Ed for NBC Think

U.S. Politics Are Rigged. It’s Time For a Small-Donor Revolution By: Fred Wertheimer | NBC Think The 2018 midterm elections have already begun, following the pattern set by the 2016 presidential race — which was the greatest onslaught of big money in U.S political history. Now a new record looks likely to be set for […]

Wertheimer op-ed: Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country: A Response to Sen. McConnell Attorney Floyd Abrams

Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country: A Response to Senator McConnell Attorney Floyd Abrams Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer published an op-ed today in Huffington Post, titled “Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country.” This op-ed rebuts claims made by Floyd Abrams in The Wall Street Journal in an op-ed […]

Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen op-ed for CNN: Firing Mueller would be catastrophic

This Op-Ed was published on CNN on August 10, 2017 under the title “Firing Mueller would be a catastrophic mistake.” CNN Firing Mueller would be a catastrophic mistake August 10, 2017 Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen On October 20, 1973, President Richard Nixon executed the infamous “Saturday Night Massacre” in which Watergate special prosecutor Archibald […]

Wertheimer Op-Ed In Just Security: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation – His Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban On Soliciting Foreign Donations

 Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in Just Security Op-Ed: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation–His 2016 Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban on Soliciting Foreign Donations  In an op-ed published today by Just Security, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer discusses the Trump campaign’s knowing and repeated violations of the ban on foreign contributions during the 2016 […]

Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen op-ed for CNN on Carl Icahn

Enclosed for your information is an op-ed by Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer published by CNN on May 1, 2017, entitled “Trump’s friend Carl Icahn can’t have it both ways.” CNN Trump’s friend Carl Icahn can’t have it both ways May 1, 2017 By Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer Carl Icahn, a close friend of […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post – The Battle to Preserve the Constitution

The Huffington Post The Battle to Preserve the Constitution By: Fred Wertheimer April 13, 2017 A battle over efforts to call a constitutional convention is currently taking place throughout the country. Occurring below the national radar screen, the fight has enormous consequences. Proponents are attempting to pass resolutions in 34 state legislatures that call for […]

Huffington Post Op-ed: A Declaration of Independence from Donald Trump

On July 4, 1776, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, which set forth a series of findings about the unacceptable acts committed by King George III and which ended our relationship with England. In less than two months in office, President Donald Trump already has committed his own series of unacceptable acts. He […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post: “Flynn Scandal is First of Many Trump Presidency Will Have”

  The unfolding scandal involving National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is just the first of many scandals we can expect from the Trump presidency. President Trump’s stubborn refusal to follow the lead of his predecessors for the past four decades and dispose of the ownership of his global business enterprises has created intolerable conflicts of […]

POLITICO: “5 Ways You’ll Know if Trump Is Playing by the Rules”

According to Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer: The five questions posed in this op-ed provide the basis for determining whether President-elect Trump effectively addresses his conflicts of interest and Emoluments Clause problems, or whether dangerous problems lie ahead for Trump’s presidency and the country. According to a new Quinnipiac Poll, “roughly two-thirds, 66 percent, say […]