
Watchdogs Reiterate to FEC Before Vote that Tea Party Group Does Not Qualify for Disclosure Exemption Originating with NAACP in Jim Crow South

Today, Democracy 21 joined with the Campaign Legal Center in filing comments on two draft advisory opinions released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that will be voted on at the FEC’s public meeting tomorrow.  The draft opinions have been issued in response to an advisory opinion request from the Tea Party Leadership Fund (TPLF) […]

Campaign Legal Center & Democracy 21 Send Letter to Congress on Assault on Disclosure Laws

In a letter sent today to members of Congress, the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 challenged the claims by disclosure opponents that campaign finance disclosure laws are unconstitutional violations of First Amendment free speech rights. The letter documented the fact that since the Citizens United decision in 2010 upholding disclosure laws, courts throughout the […]

Fred Wertheimer on MSNBC: “Did Citizens United Corrupt Elections?”

MSNBC Did Citizens United Corrupt Elections? In an interview with Chuck Todd on his show, The Daily Rundown, Wertheimer explains that the McCain-Feingold law prohibiting unlimited contributions to political parties accomplished its purposes and is not part of the problem today. Wertheimer also discusses the Citizens United decision and the very serious problems it has […]

Fred Wertheimer POLITICO Oped: “Ted Cruz is no Washington Outsider”

POLITICO Ted Cruz is no Washington outsider On political money, the Texas senator is all hat and no cattle. By: Fred Wertheimer Ted Cruz has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t care for the ways of Washington. From the moment of his arrival in the nation’s capital, the brash Texas senator has challenged the […]

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer On McCutcheon Case

The Supreme Court’s decision in the McCutcheon case is profoundly important to the health of our democracy and our citizens’ interests in honest and fair government. The Supreme Court must not open the door to the corruption of our democracy by striking down the contribution limits at issue in this case. The Supreme Court should […]

The Stakes in the McCutcheon Case to be Argued Tomorrow in Supreme Court

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer At stake in the McCutcheon case to be argued tomorrow before the Supreme Court is the question of whether individual donors will again be allowed to make $1 million contributions to political parties and $2 million contributions to support federal candidates, and whether federal officeholders will again be […]

Affidavits in McConnell Case Document Need to Limit Large Contributions at Stake in Case Brought by McCutcheon, RNC

                                                          By Fred Wertheimer, President Democracy 21 On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case was brought by Shaun McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee and it challenges the constitutionality of the overall limits on the total amount an individual donor can contribute to all party […]

Responses to Arguments Made by McCutcheon and RNC in McCutcheon Case

Responses to Arguments Made by McCutcheon and RNC in Supreme Court Campaign Finance Case  By Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer and Democracy 21 Counsel Don Simon On October 8, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case was brought by Shaun McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee and […]

The McCutcheon Case: Chief Justice Roberts and His Past Record on Contribution Limits

The McCutcheon Case: Chief Justice Roberts and His Past Record on Contribution Limits By Fred Wertheimer– President, Democracy 21 On October 8, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case brought by Shaun McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee  challenges the constitutionality of the overall contribution limits on […]

From Buckley to McCutcheon: A Brief History

A Brief History of the Supreme Court and Contribution Limits on Individuals By: Fred Wertheimer For almost four decades, the Supreme Court consistently has held that federal limits on contributions to candidates and parties are constitutional as a means to prevent corruption. On October 8, the Supreme Court will face this question once again. In […]