
Statement On Presidential Nominations to FEC

We are pleased that President Obama has begun the process of nominating FEC Commissioners to fill the one vacant seat and the five expired seats on the Commission. From what we know, Ann Ravel, head of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, has been an outstanding leader in the area of campaign finance oversight and […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Support Bill Requiring Electronic Filing of Campaign Finance Disclosure Reports

In a letter sent today to the Senate, reform groups urged Senators to support S.375, the “Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act,” that would require electronic filing of campaign finance disclosure reports by Senate candidates under federal campaign finance laws.   The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, Campaign Finance Institute, the […]

Watchdog Groups Urge Ways and Means Committee to Investigate Failure of IRS to Enforce the Tax Laws Against 501(c)(4) Abusers

In a letter sent today to the House Ways and Means Committee, Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, urged the Committee to examine the failure of the IRS to properly enforce the tax laws against groups improperly claiming to be “social welfare” organizations under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code in order to […]

Reform Groups Call on House Administration Committee to Reject Efforts to Repeal Presidential Public Financing, Election Assistance Commission

In a letter sent today to members of the House Administration Committee, reform groups called on the Committee to oppose legislation to repeal the presidential public financing system. The letter also urged the Committee to oppose proposed legislation to repeal the Election Assistance Commission. The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, […]

Watchdog Groups Warn House Committee Not to Prevent or Undermine Proper Enforcement of Tax Laws Against 501(c)(4) Abusers

Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, today urged the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government not to undermine the IRS’s ability to enforce existing tax laws as they seek to address the agency’s targeting of certain groups filing for 501(c)(4) tax status. […]

Watchdog Groups Send Treasury IG Previous Requests Urging IRS Action Against Groups Improperly Claiming 501(c)(4) Tax Status

In a letter sent today to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, forwarded fifteen letters that the watchdog groups had sent to the IRS beginning in October 2010 urging IRS action against groups improperly claiming 501(c)(4) tax status and calling for a rulemaking proceeding. The […]

Reform Groups Call on Congress to Deal with Two IRS Scandals: Wrongful IRS Targeting of Groups and IRS Failure to Prevent Groups from Improperly Claiming 501(c)(4) Status

In a letter sent to Senators and Representatives today, reform groups called on Congress to investigate and address both of the scandals at the IRS in order to prevent the same abuses from occurring in the future. As Congress rightly investigates the improper targeting of conservative groups, the letter also stated that Members have a […]

Fred Wertheimer POLITICO op-ed: “Inadequate IRS rules helped create scandal”

POLITICO Inadequate IRS rules helped create scandal By Fred Wertheimer The current firestorm over the wrongful targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service is one part of a picture that shows the existing rules to determine the eligibility of groups to qualify as section 501(c)(4) tax-exempt “social welfare” organizations are woefully inadequate. The […]

Washington Post Wonkblog Q&A with Fred Wertheimer

The Washington Post’s Wonkblog ‘Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA were created for the purpose of hiding donors’ By Dylan Matthews Fred Wertheimer is the founder and president of Democracy 21, a leading campaign finance reform organization. He worked for Common Cause for 24 years, serving as a lobbyist for the Watergate reforms and as a […]