
Democracy 21 Legal Team Headed by Former Solicitor General Seth Waxman Files Supreme Court Brief Defending Contribution Limits

Representatives Chris Van Hollen and David Price submitted an amicus brief yesterday to the Supreme Court to defend the constitutionality of the limits on the aggregate amount an individual can give to all federal candidates and to all party committees in a two-year election cycle. Representatives Van Hollen and Price are campaign finance reform leaders […]

Watchdogs’ Filing Reminds FEC that it Has No Authority to Declare Federal Laws Unconstitutional

Late yesterday, the Campaign Legal Center, joined by Democracy 21, filed comments in response to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) 2013-09, which asks the agency to exceed its authority by declaring a statute unconstitutional and announcing that the agency will no longer enforce the statute—even though the Supreme Court has upheld […]

Reform Groups Urge Representatives to Vote No on Latest Attempt to Repeal Presidential Public Financing System

In a letter sent today to the House of Representatives, reform groups urged House members to vote no on H.R. 2019, sponsored by Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS), which purports to provide for a 10-year pediatric research initiative and repeals the presidential public financing system. The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, […]

Reform Groups Urge FEC Commissioners Not to Take Action on Proposed Enforcement Manual Changes

In a letter sent today to the five FEC Commissioners, reform groups urged Commissioners to take no action regarding the FEC Enforcement Manual until the two nominees who have been appointed to serve on the Commission are confirmed and take office The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, the Brennan Center […]

Watchdog Groups Challenge Illegitimate Attempt by Republican FEC Commissioners to Sabotage Campaign Finance

In a letter sent today to the five FEC Commissioners, Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center and Americans for Campaign Reform,strongly objected to changes to the agency’s Enforcement Manual that have been proposed by Republican Commissioners McGahn, Hunter and Petersen. The proposed changes are to be considered by the FEC at a coming […]

Watchdogs Urge FEC to Reject Democratic Governors Association Proposal to Violate Soft Money Ban

Late yesterday, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing comments with the Federal Election Commission urging the agency to reject a request by the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) for permission to fund federal election activity with money raised outside federal contribution limits (i.e., “soft money”), which would clearly violate the McCain-Feingold Law soft […]

Justice Scalia Scales New Heights of “Situational Jurisprudence” in DOMA Dissent

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Justice Scalia truly outdid himself in the dissenting opinion he wrote in the DOMA case, decided yesterday by the Supreme Court.  He appears to have perfected the art of “situational jurisprudence.” Justice Scalia has had no problem voting to invalidate laws enacted by Congress when he is eliminating […]

Statement On Presidential Nominations to FEC

We are pleased that President Obama has begun the process of nominating FEC Commissioners to fill the one vacant seat and the five expired seats on the Commission. From what we know, Ann Ravel, head of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, has been an outstanding leader in the area of campaign finance oversight and […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Support Bill Requiring Electronic Filing of Campaign Finance Disclosure Reports

In a letter sent today to the Senate, reform groups urged Senators to support S.375, the “Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act,” that would require electronic filing of campaign finance disclosure reports by Senate candidates under federal campaign finance laws.   The reform groups sending the letter include Americans for Campaign Reform, Campaign Finance Institute, the […]