
Letter to IRS Enclosing ProPublica Report on 501(c)(4) Organizations

  August 21, 2012   Hon. Douglas H. Shulman Commissioner Internal Revenue Service Room 3000 IR 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20224   Lois Lerner Director of the Exempt Organizations Division Internal Revenue Service 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20224   Re:       Petition for rulemaking on eligibility requirements for Section 501(c)(4) status and […]

Mother Jones: “The Reformers Strike Back”

Mother Jones The Reformers Strike Back! The conservatives behind Citizens United have lost some key fights lately. But another battle over corporate money in politics looms. By Andy Kroll August 13, 2012 Since the mid-2000s, a small cadre of lawyers and activists has reshaped the role of money in American politics. Led by Senate minority […]

Watchdogs Defend Federal Disclosure Laws in Latest Challenge Filed in Wyoming

Watchdogs Defend Federal Disclosure Laws in Latest Challenge Filed in Wyoming Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing an amici brief with the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming in the latest challenge to federal disclosure laws.  Free Speech v. FEC concerns a challenge to the “subpart (b)” definition of […]

Letter to IRS Urging Them to Proceed to Consider New Eligibility Rules for 501(c)(4) Organizations

Watchdog Groups Call on IRS to Ignore Partisan Pressure From Republican Senators and Proceed to Consider New Eligibility Rules for 501(c)(4) Organizations In a letter sent today to the IRS, Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, called on the agency to ignore the partisan pressures they have received from Republican Senators and proceed […]

Democracy 21 Joins With Campaign Legal Center in Challenging Effort by 501(c)(4) Group to Obtain FEC Approval to Evade Law

Democracy 21 joined The Campaign Legal Center today in filing comments at the FEC opposing  an attempt by American Future Fund (AFF), a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) group, to get approval to use federal candidates and their committees to solicit unlimited contributions through joint fundraising efforts with the section 501(c)(4) group, and with super PACs and related entities.     […]

Statement by Fred Wertheimer: Karl Rove Confirms Purpose of Crossroads GPS is to Influence Elections, Not Engage in “Social Welfare” Activities

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer   Democracy 21, joined by the Campaign Legal Center, has written to the Internal Revenue Service on several occasions to challenge the claim by Crossroads GPS that it is entitled to tax-exempt status as a section 501(c)(4) “social welfare” organization. We have made the case to the IRS that […]

Statement by Fred Wertheimer: Crossroads GPS Plans to Violate Campaign Finance Disclosure Law with FEC’s Support

Crossroads GPS Plans to Violate Campaign Finance Disclosure Law with FEC’s Support Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer According to an article in today’s Los Angeles Times, Crossroads GPS plans to run a broadcast ad about President Obama within the 30 day period before the Democratic nominating convention without filing an FEC report disclosing […]

Center for Public Integrity: “Big Business Prefers GOP Over Democratic Super PACs”

Center for Public Integrity Big business prefers GOP over Democratic super PACs By Michael Beckel July 25, 2012 Only a small number of businesses have given to the pro-President Barack Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action, and ironically, most of the money raised has come from lobbying shops. The 2012 election will be the most […]