
D.C. Court of Appeals Denies Stay of District Court Decision in Van Hollen Lawsuit; Groups Now Required to Disclose Contributors Financing “Elections Communications”

A three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit late yesterday turned down a request to stay a district court ruling that struck down an FEC regulation that had all but eliminated the disclosure of donors to groups that make “electioneering communications” in federal elections. The district court ruling by Judge Amy […]

New York Times editorial: “A Senator Fights Back”

The New York Times A Senator Fights Back It is dangerous to challenge the funnel cloud of corporate and right-wing political advertising this year, but Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, has decided to fight back. She is running commercials that talk directly about the ads trying to prevent her re-election.  “They’re not from around […]

Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center File FEC Complaint Against Rep. Schock for $25K Solicitation of Majority Leader Cantor for Super PAC Donation

Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center File FEC Complaint Against Rep. Schock for $25K Solicitation of Majority Leader Cantor for Super PAC Donation Today, Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) for his illegal solicitation of Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) to […]

Rep. Van Hollen Files Brief in Court of Appeals in Support of Rule Requiring Immediate Disclosure of Donors to Groups Making Electioneering Communications

Rep. Van Hollen Files Brief in Court of Appeals in Support of Rule Requiring Immediate Disclosure of Donors to Groups Making Electioneering Communications Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) today filed a brief in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, arguing that the Court should not “stay” a district court ruling that struck down […]

Statement of Democracy 21 Counsel Donald J. Simon on the Status of the Van Hollen Disclosure Litigation

On March 30, 2012, the district court in Washington DC struck down an FEC regulation adopted in 2007 that limits disclosure of donors to groups that make “electioneering communications” – broadcast ads that refer to federal candidates in the pre-election period.  The ruling came in a lawsuit brought last year by Rep. Chris Van Hollen […]

Washington Post: Most independent ads for 2012 election are from groups that don’t disclose donors

The Washington Post Most independent ads for 2012 election are from groups that don’t disclose donors By Dan Eggen– Nearly all of the independent advertising aired for the 2012 general-election campaign has come from interest groups that do not disclose their donors, suggesting that much of the political spending over the next six months will […]

Brennan Center for Justice National Survey: Super PACs, Corruption and Democracy

Super PACs, Corruption and Democracy Americans’ Attitudes about the Influence of Super PAC Spending on Government and the Implications for our Democracy Download the Summary [pdf] Download the Appendix [pdf] Summary A recent national survey conducted on behalf of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law demonstrates that the spending of Super […]

Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center Again Call on IRS to Investigate Eligibility of Crossroads GPS for Tax-Exempt Status as “Social Welfare” Organization

In a letter sent to the IRS today, Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center again called on the agency “to investigate and take appropriate enforcement action against Crossroads GPS regarding its claimed status as a section 501(c)(4) tax-exempt ‘social welfare’ organization.” Crossroads GPS is the brainchild of long-time Republican party operative Karl Rove. The […]