
Reform Groups Urge Senate Democratic Leaders Reid, Durbin and Schumer to Defeat Effort to Use FY 11 Spending Bill as a Vehicle to Kill Presidential Public Financing System

Americans for Campaign Reform – Brennan Center for Justice -Campaign Legal Center Common Cause – CREW – Democracy 21League of Women Voters – People For the American Way – Public CampaignPublic Citizen – U.S. PIRG In a letter sent today, reform groups urged Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin and Senate […]

Intervener Defendants File Brief in Supreme Court Today Opposing Request that Court Review Decision Upholding Constitutionality of Minor Party Provisions in Connecticut Public Financing Law

Connecticut Common Cause, Connecticut Citizen Action Group and two other intervening defendants filed a brief today in the Supreme Court urging the Court to decline to review a case in which the U.S Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the constitutionality of Connecticut’s public financing system for state elections. Unlike the case involving a challenge […]

Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 Joined by Other Reform Groups File Supreme Court Amicus Brief Today Supporting Constitutionality of Arizona Public Financing Law

The Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 joined by other reform groups filed an amicus brief today in the Supreme Court defending the constitutionality of the state public financing law in Arizona.  In addition to Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center, the reform groups who joined in filing the amicus brief included League of Woman Voters of the […]

House Republicans Pass Amendment to Kill Presidential Financing System; Key Senate Battle on Issue Expected on FY 11 Spending Bill After Recess

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Yesterday, House Republicans passed an amendment to the pending FY 11 Spending Bill that would shut down the presidential public financing system. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to attempt to attach the House-passed amendment or a very similar amendment to the Senate FY 11 Spending Bill, […]

Reform Groups Today Urge Two Additional Congressional Committees to Investigate and Hold Hearings on Dysfunctional FEC

Americans for Campaign Reform – Campaign Legal Center – Common CauseDemocracy 21 – CREW – League of Women Voters Public Campaign – Public Citizen – U.S. PIRG Yesterday, nine reform groups sent letters to the Chairman and Ranking Minority Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and […]

Reform Groups Urge Vote Against Any Amendment to H.R. 1 to Restrict Funds from Being Used to Implement the Presidential Public Financing System

Americans for Campaign Reform – Brennan Center for Justice – Campaign Legal Center Common Cause – CREW – Democracy 21 – League of Women Voters People For the American Way – Public Campaign – Public Citizen – U.S. PIRG Our organizations strongly urge you to oppose any amendment that may be offered to H.R. 1, the FY […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Oppose McConnell Bill to Repeal Presidential Funding System and Turn Presidency Over to Big Money

Americans for Campaign Reform – Brennan Center for JusticeCampaign Legal Center – Common Cause – Democracy 21League of Women Voters – People For the American WayPublic Campaign – Public Citizen – U.S. PIRG In a letter sent to the Senate today, reform organizations strongly urged Senators to "oppose S. 194, legislation introduced by Senate Republican […]

Tax Checkoff is not a Poll, Actual Polls Have Shown Public Support for the Presidential Public Financing System

Democracy 21 Letter to House Members                                                                                                                   Dear Representative, This responds to the argument that the public opposes the presidential public financing system because only a single digit percent of taxpayers use the check-off on their annual returns. 1. The check off is not a poll and should not be treated as a poll. […]

Democracy 21: Tax Checkoff is not a Poll, Actual Polls Have Shown Public Support for the Presidential Public Financing System

Below is a letter sent to House members today that challenges the claim that the response rate on the tax check-off shows the public is opposed to the presidential public financing system. Tax Checkoff is not a Poll, Actual Polls Have Shown Public Support for the Presidential Public Financing System                                                                       January 26, 2011                                                                                       […]

Democracy 21 Slams House Republicans for Passing Legislation to Turn the Presidency Over to Influence-Seeking Big Donors, Bundlers and Corporate and Other Outside Spenders

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer In passing legislation today to repeal the presidential public financing system, House Republicans voted to turn the presidency over to influence-seeking big donors, bundlers and corporate and other outside spenders. This battle now moves to the Senate where the legislation must be defeated. Democracy 21 greatly appreciates President […]