
Trump Snaps His Fingers And Barr Comes Running

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 10, 2020 “Barr is a disgrace. He continues to show that he is dangerous and unfit to serve as Attorney General of the United States.” Attorney General William Barr demonstrated again this week that he is owned and operated by President Trump. When Trump snaps his fingers, Barr comes […]

Twenty-Five State Attorneys General Release Statement on Illegality of Voting Twice

Enclosed for your information is a September 7 press release from North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein along with a coalition of 24 other state Attorneys General. According to the statement of the Attorneys General: “It’s against the law to vote twice in the election,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “That is true everywhere in […]

Fasten Your Seatbelts

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 3, 2020 “Trump has been joined in his efforts to delegitimize the presidential election by Attorney General William Barr, who is grossly abusing the powers of his office to serve as a Trump partisan political operative.” It has been clear for some time that President Trump is working to […]

How a Biden win can sink one of McConnell’s top priorities – Wertheimer op-ed in CNN

An op-ed by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “How a Biden win can sink one of McConnell’s top priorities,” which was published by CNN on August 31, 2020. According to the piece: Joe Biden’s acceptance of the Democratic nomination for President has brought him closer to accomplishing a mission he started 47 years ago: […]

Fred Wertheimer on NPR: Attorney General Barr Has Been Acting As A Political Operative

“He has been operating as a political operative and a campaign aide to the President, rather than as Attorney General of the United States,” Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer told NPR in a segment from National Public Radio’s Morning Edition which aired today, August 28, 2020. According to the report, since early June, Barr has done […]

The Death of the Republican Party

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 27, 2020 “Trump has spent three and a half years as President working to establish that lying doesn’t matter, that rules, norms, and laws don’t apply to him, and that the powers of the presidency exist for him to impose his vengeance on those who fail to agree with […]

Trump Continues His Baseless Attacks on Vote By Mail

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 21, 2020 “Trump is not going to scam, con, lie, and cheat his way into a second presidential term.” Published reports have detailed major changes in Postal Service policies that would seriously delay ballots being sent to voters and received by election officials. The impact of these changes go […]

D21 President Fred Wertheimer: President Trump Corrupted the Durham Investigation Today

President Trump Corrupted the Durham Investigation Today Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer President Trump today plainly corrupted the criminal investigation being led by U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the 2016 Justice Department investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. In an interview with Fox News today, Trump made […]

D21 Sends Letter Following Up on Aug. 10 Call for Senate Ethics Committee Investigation of Senators Johnson and Grassley

Democracy 21 Sends Letter Today Following Up on August 10th Call for Senate Ethics Committee Investigation of Senators Johnson and Grassley Letter Includes New Report with Detailed Background Information Supporting Request to Determine if Russian Agents are Laundering Biden Disinformation Campaign Through Senators Johnson and Grassley and the Committees They Chair Democracy 21 sent a […]

D21 Calls for Senate Ethics Committee Investigation Into Whether Russian Agents are Laundering Biden Disinformation Through Sens. Johnson and Grassley

Democracy 21 Calls for Senate Ethics Committee Investigation to Determine if Russian Agents are Laundering Biden Disinformation Campaign Through Senators Johnson and Grassley   Democracy 21 sent a letter to the Senate Ethics Committee today calling for an investigation by the Committee into whether Russian agents are laundering a disinformation campaign against Democratic presidential candidate […]