
Wertheimer Statement on the 55th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is one of the most important documents in American history. It stripped away the artificial barriers erected to prevent African Americans and other people of color from exercising their sacred right to vote. The right to vote is at the heart of our system of representative government and ingrains […]

U.S. Attorney Investigating “Unmaskings,” Discussed on Hill Yesterday, Has Blatant Conflict of Interest

U.S. Attorney Chosen by Barr to Investigate “Unmaskings” Has Blatant Conflict of Interest U.S. Attorney John Bash, Discussed In House Judiciary Committee Hearing Yesterday, Is Part Of Barr’s Partisan Effort To Help Re-Elect Trump At yesterday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Attorney General William Barr testified that he had assigned Texas U.S. Attorney John F. Bash […]

Wertheimer op-ed in NBC Think: William Barr is a disgrace to his office. It’s time America understands why

An op-ed by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Trump crony Barr’s 2020 House testimony is a big opportunity for Democrats,” was published in NBC Think on July 28, 2020.

Trump’s Brazen Authoritarianism in Plain Sight

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 23, 2020 “We will not allow Trump’s brazen authoritarianism, which is now in plain sight, to undermine our democratic norms and steal the election.” President Trump is now moving into full authoritarian mode as he deploys a federal police force to engage in paramiltary actions in cities around the […]

D21 Calls on Senate Intel Committee to Investigate Possible Russian Influence over Senate HSC Investigation of Biden

Democracy 21 Calls on Senate Intelligence Committee to Investigate Possible Russian Influence on Senate Homeland Security Committee Investigation of Biden and his Son Democracy 21 sent a letter to the Acting Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee today calling on them to immediately investigate possible Russian disinformation influence in the Senate Homeland […]

The Most Corrupt Administration In History

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 16, 2020 “President Trump rode into office on a big lie that he was going to drain the Washington swamp. If Vice President Biden sends him home in November, that will be the first and most important act to actually start draining the swamp in Washington.” President Trump will […]

The Lie That Could Haunt Trump in November

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 9, 2020 “Trump’s lies in this case, combined with congressional Republican silence about his lies, may come back to haunt both Trump and Republican candidates in November.” According to The Washington Post’s running tally, President Trump made 19,127 false or misleading claims in 1,226 days in office, as of […]

D21 Files 7th DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr, Requests Investigation of US Attorney Berman’s Removal

Democracy 21 Files Seventh DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr for Failing to Comply with DOJ Norms, Standards and Rules Complaint Calls for Investigation by IG and OPR of Circumstances Surrounding Removal of SDNY US Attorney Berman Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility at the Department […]

Crunch Time on Vote By Mail

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 2, 2020 “The coming fight for the money to effectively administer the upcoming election is a battle that must be won if we are to prevent chaos in November.” We are approaching crunch time on whether the states and the Postal Service will receive from Congress the essential money […]

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer House passage today of statehood for the District of Columbia is a great victory for the citizens of D.C. Our nation was born out of the idea that taxation without representation was abhorrent to […]