
Trump’s Proposed “Blind Trust” for his Business Empire Would be Blind to Everyone but the Trump Family

Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer According to a POLITICO article today, “Donald Trump’s vast business holdings will be placed into a blind trust with his three children in charge, according to the president-elect’s attorney.” The so-called “blind trust” scheme outlined by Trump’s lawyer is absurd. In a real blind trust, an independent trustee who has no connection […]

Democracy 21 Study — Outside Groups Greatly Outspend Candidates in Seven Battleground Senate Races

  Super PACs and other outside spending groups have played a dramatic and dominant role in the 2016 elections, spending $1.2 billion to date, according to Open Secrets.  Outside money is playing its most pronounced role in the battle between Republicans and Democrats for control of the Senate. In seven of the eight key battleground […]

Fred Wertheimer – “If Elected President, Trump or Clinton Must End all Family Ties with the Trump Organization or Clinton Foundation”

Last year in a Vanity Fair article, I said that “if Hillary Clinton is elected president, all three Clintons should cut their ties with the [Clinton] Foundation for as long as she’s president.” This position remains the same today and this same principle also applies to Donald Trump. If Trump is elected president, he and […]

Constitutional Scholars Oppose House Effort to Impeach IRS Commissioner

  In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, fifteen constitutional scholars opposed the effort in the House led by the Freedom Caucus to impeach Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen.  According to the letter, “When it comes to impeachment, the Constitution leaves many open and difficult questions. Whether the […]

Fred Wertheimer for SCOTUSblog: “The Court after Scalia: A new liberal Justice means a new campaign finance jurisprudence”

SCOTUSblog has been hosting an online symposium in which guest authors have been invited “to explore the impact that a conservative or liberal nominee replacing the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the bench might have on certain areas of law on which the Court may rule in the future.” Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer was invited […]

Constitutional Lawyers Send House Leaders Letter Opposing Impeachment of IRS Commissioner

  In a letter sent today to House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, more than a dozen constitutional law professors opposed the resolution to impeach John Koskinen sponsored by Rep. John Fleming (R-LA). The impeachment resolution is a privileged resolution able to be brought directly to the House floor by any […]

Tax Law Professors Urge House Leaders to Oppose Impeachment Resolution of IRS Commissioner

Enclosed for your information is a letter from 124 tax law professors from all parts of the country sent on August 28, 2016 to House Speaker Ryan, House Democratic Leader Pelosi, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Brady and Ways and Means Committee Ranking Democrat Levin. The letter urges them to oppose any resolution to impeach […]

Fred Wertheimer: “House Freedom Caucus Pushes for Sept Vote on Unprecedented & Baseless Impeachment Resolution Against IRS Commish Koskinen”

  In July, Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) introduced a resolution of impeachment (H.Res. 828) against Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen. In August, Rep. Jim Jordan (D-OH), chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said that House Freedom Caucus members would push for a House vote on the impeachment resolution when Congress returns in September. Under […]

Watchdog Groups Call on DOJ to Investigate Trump Campaign

  In a letter sent today to the Justice Department, Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center called for an investigation into whether Donald Trump’s campaign committee has engaged in knowing and willful violations of federal campaign finance laws. According to the letter, “Based on numerous published reports, it appears that the Trump committee has […]

Reform Groups Applaud House Democrats Comprehensive Reform Package to Fix Political System

  The following statement is being issued today by the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21, Democracy Matters, Every Voice, People For the American Way, Public Citizen, Rootstrikers project at Demand Progress, U.S. PIRG and Voices for Progress. Our organizations applaud House Democrats for the comprehensive reform package they offered today to fix our […]