
Reform Groups Call on FEC to Investigate & Sanction “Children of Israel LLC” for Evading Disclosure Laws

  Democracy 21 joined with the Campaign Legal Center in filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that called on the agency to investigate contributions to “the ghost corporation” “Children of Israel LLC,” which funneled $400,000 to two super PACs. According to an article by The Washington Post, the mysterious California-based LLC contributed $50,000 to […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post: “Doctor No: Senator McConnell, the Supreme Court And a Thirty-Year Career of Obstructionism”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says the American people must be heard and therefore the next Supreme Court Justice should be considered by the Senate only after the people have chosen the next president in November. This is McConnell’s “justification” for leading the Senate Republicans in opposing any hearing,   Judiciary Committee vote or Senate […]

Watchdog Groups Attack IRS Decision to Overrule Proposed Staff Denial of Crossroads GPS’ “Social Welfare” Tax Status

  In a letter sent today to the Internal Revenue Service Commissioner, Democracy 21 joined by the Campaign Legal Center criticized the IRS’ decision made without explanation to grant recognition to Crossroads GPS as a “social welfare” organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS Exempt Organizations staff decided in 2013 to […]

Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center Urge FEC to Investigate Use of LLC to Hide Donors to pro-Chris Christie Super PAC

New complaint highlights more and more Super PAC donors are hiding behind LLCs as the FEC fails to enforce the law  Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), calling on the agency to investigate contributions funneled through “Decor Services LLC” to a pro-Chris Christie Super […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Support Federal Election Administration Act to Replace the FEC

  In a letter sent today, reform groups urged Senators to cosponsor the Federal Election Administration Act being introduced today by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM). The Act provides a framework and the basis for developing a new legislative approach for properly enforcing and interpreting the campaign finance laws and creates a new independent agency to […]

Watchdog Groups file FEC Complaints Against Shell Companies Hiding Super PAC Donors

  Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center today in filing two complaints with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), calling on the agency to investigate campaign donors who are skirting disclosure laws by hiding behind corporations to anonymously fund elections. The first complaint asks the FEC to investigate whether DE First Holdings, which came into […]

Democracy 21 Condemns DNC’s Decision to Abandon Ban on Lobbyist Contributions

  Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer According to a Washington Post article today, the DNC has abandoned the ban on lobbyist contributions that was established for the party by President Obama. This move by the DNC is a major step in the wrong direction and is in direct conflict with the American people’s deep concerns about the […]

IRS Decision to Grant on “Social Welfare” Status of Crossroads GPS is Complete Abdication of Agency’s Duty

 Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The reported decision by the IRS to grant “social welfare” status to Crossroads GPS is a complete abdication of the agency’s duty to enforce the tax laws. The decision was revealed today by the Center for Responsive Politics. By no stretch of the imagination can Crossroads GPS be considered […]

Tenth Circuit Rejects Challenge to Colorado Disclosure Provisions for Electioneering Communications

Today, in Independence Institute v. Williams, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit dismissed a challenge to the “electioneering communications” disclosure provisions enshrined in Colorado’s state constitution, affirming a federal district court decision upholding the law. Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center and Public Citizen in filing an amici brief with the […]

Reform Groups Strongly Oppose Constitutional Convention; Would Put Constitutional Rights at Risk

Statement by the Brennan Center, Center for Media and Democracy, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21 and People For the American Way Efforts are being undertaken in state legislatures to pass resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to send various constitutional amendments to the states for ratification. If these efforts are successful, it would result in […]