
Democracy 21 Praises Supreme Court Decision Upholding Ban on Judges Soliciting Contributions

Democracy 21 praises the Supreme Court’s decision in Williams-Yulee v. The Florida Bar today that will help to protect the integrity of elected judiciaries throughout the country. The Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision vote upheld the Florida Bar’s ban on judges soliciting campaign contributions for their judicial elections. Chief Justice Roberts in his opinion recognized Florida’s […]

Fred Wertheimer op-ed: Bush Super PAC Scheme Would Violate 2002 Campaign Finance Law

Reuters Why Jeb Bush’s super PAC plan is potentially illegal Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is preparing to push the role of the individual-candidate super PAC to new, brazen heights. The Bush campaign is reportedly planning to reverse the role of Bush’s campaign committee and the “independent” super PAC supporting him – so that the super PAC […]

Fred Wertheimer on On Point with Tom Ashbrook

The segment is entitled “Money In Politics: The Gyrocopter’s Complaint” and focuses on the role of money in politics on the road to the 2016 election. According to On Point, “[Money in politics] is a big issue already in the 2016 campaign. This hour On Point: the mailman’s complaint. Big money, dark money, in American […]

FEC Complaint Filed Against Pras Michel and Super PAC Black Men Vote for Apparent “Straw Donor” Contributions of $875,000

Democracy 21 joined with the Campaign Legal Center in urging the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate possible violations of campaign finance laws by rap artist Pras Michel, his company SPM Holdings LLC, the Super PAC Black Men Vote and its Treasurer, William Kirk Jr. relating to “straw donor” contributions […]

Reform Groups Strongly Oppose Efforts in the States to Call a Constitutional Convention

Statement Issued by the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Democracy 21, Issue One, People For the American Way, Public Citizen and USAction Our reform organizations strongly oppose the efforts to pass resolutions in the states calling for a constitutional convention. The organizations include the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Democracy 21, Issue One, […]

Reform Groups Call on IRS to Clarify 49 Percent Approach

In a letter sent today to the Internal Revenue Service, Democracy 21, the Campaign Legal Center and Public Citizen called on IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to clarify his remarks that Congress created a framework that allows 501(c)(4) groups to spend up to 49 percent of their expenditures on campaign activities. According to a report in […]

Wertheimer: “Role of Super PACs in Menendez Corruption Charges”

The indictment of Senator Robert Menendez illustrates in stark terms the corrupting role that Super PACs now play in our political system. The Menendez indictment alleges that a donor gave $600,000 in corporate funds to Senate Majority PAC, a Super PAC, and earmarked the money for the Senator’s reelection campaign. The Super PAC used as […]

Reform Groups File FEC Complaints Against Presidential Hopefuls

  Today, on April Fools’ Eve, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing complaints with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Jeb Bush, Martin O’Malley, Rick Santorum and Scott Walker claiming reason to believe they are violating federal campaign finance laws. According to Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer: Major presidential candidates have been […]

Democracy 21 Model Bill Would Shut Down Individual-Candidate Super PACs and Prevent Coordination between Outside Spending Groups and Candidates

Democracy 21 released a Model Bill today that would establish rules to shut down individual-candidate Super PACs and to prevent coordination between outside spending groups and candidates they support. The Model Bill was prepared for use at the state and local levels. The proposals in the Model Bill were developed by Democracy 21 and were […]

Reform Groups Urge Members of Congress to Support the DISCLOSE Act and End Dark Money in Federal Elections

In a letter sent today to House members to mark Sunshine Week, an annual event to promote government transparency, 11 reform groups strongly urged members of the House of Representatives to support campaign finance transparency by co-sponsoring  the DISCLOSE 2015 Act (H.R. 430), introduced by Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). A letter was also sent […]