
Reform Groups Urge Members to Vote Against Omnibus Appropriations Bill With Destructive Campaign Finance Provisions

Reform groups today sent a letter to Congress strongly urging Senators and Representatives to vote against the Omnibus Appropriations bill as long as it contains the destructive campaign finance provisions that were buried in the bill. The letter is enclosed below.   Dear Senator, Our organizations strongly urge you to oppose the Omnibus Appropriations bill […]

Breaking: Omnibus Bill Returns Huge Corrupting Contributions to National Parties

Bipartisan bargain in Omnibus will allow donor to give $776,600/year or $1,553,200/election cycle to the 3 national party committees CLARIFICATION The release enclosed below was sent out at 10 pm last night and dealt with the total amount an individual could give to a national party – the DNC and the RNC – under the […]

Reform Groups Strongly Oppose Any Appropriations Riders That Will Increase Opportunities to Corrupt Members of Congress

Reform groups today sent a letter to members of Congress strongly urging Senators and Representatives to oppose any riders to the Omnibus Appropriations bill that increase the opportunity to corrupt members of Congress. The letter is enclosed below. Dear Senator, Our organizations strongly urge you to oppose any campaign finance riders on the Omnibus Appropriations […]

Reform Groups Strongly Urge Opposition to Republican Efforts to Use Appropriations Bill to Damage Campaign Finance Laws

Reform groups sent a letter this morning to the Democratic Senators serving on the Senate Appropriations Committee strongly urging the Senators to oppose any effort by Senator McConnell to insert a provision that would undermine the campaign finance laws into the year-end appropriations bill or bills. According to an article in POLITICO yesterday, “Senate Democrats […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Oppose Sen. McConnell’s Efforts to Sneak Campaign Finance Revision into Appropriations Bill

Reform groups today sent a letter to the Senate urging Senators to oppose Senator McConnell’s efforts to sneak in a revision in the campaign finance laws into an omnibus appropriations bill. The letter is enclosed below. Dear Senator, Our groups strongly oppose an effort being made by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell to sneak a […]

Colorado District Court Urged to Reject Another Challenge to Electioneering Communications Disclosure Provisions

Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center and Public Citizen in filing an amici brief in Rocky Mountain Gun Owners v. Gessler, urging the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado to dismiss a challenge to the Colorado Constitution’s “electioneering communications” disclosure provisions and deny a preliminary injunction.  The state law is materially […]

Major Court Victory on Contribution Disclosure

Federal District Court in Van Hollen Case Strikes FEC Regulation that Gutted Contribution Disclosure Requirement for Outside Groups Making Expenditures Close to an Election The federal district court in Washington D.C. today struck down a regulation issued by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that has severely limited the reporting of donors to groups making “electioneering […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post: “A Call to Arms”

The Huffington Post A Call to Arms By: Fred Wertheimer In 1789, the Founding Fathers created a constitutional system of government by the people. In 2010, five Supreme Court Justices — Roberts, Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas and Alito — changed it to a constitutional system of government by millionaires, billionaires and corporations. In the Citizens United […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post “2014 Election Confirms Citizens United Decision Based on Fundamentally Flawed Premises”

The Huffington Post 2014 Election Confirms Citizens United Decision Based on Fundamentally Flawed Premises By: Fred Wertheimer The 2014 congressional elections confirmed that the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United was based on fundamentally flawed premises. The Court majority in Citizens United explicitly based its misguided decision on two grounds: campaign expenditures by outside groups […]

Fred Wertheimer in New Yorker – “The Money Midterms: A Scandal in Slow Motion”

The New Yorker –  The Money Midterms: A Scandal in Slow Motion By: Evan Osnos In 1971, after studying law at Harvard, Fred Wertheimer became the chief lobbyist for Common Cause, a non-profit that aimed to limit the corrosive influence of money in politics. He was thirty-two years old. “Watergate comes along the next year, […]