Press Releases Archive

Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center Urge FEC Commissioners to Reject Proposal from Commissioner Goodman

  Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center sent a letter today to the FEC Commissioners urging them to reject a proposal to be offered at the agency’s October 29 meeting by Commissioner Lee Goodman to provide “regulatory relief for political parties.” According to the letter: The most alarming suggestion in this proposal is to […]

Watchdog Groups File FEC Comments Supporting Rulemaking to Revise Flawed Regulations

  Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center filed comments today in support of a Public Citizen rulemaking petition seeking revisions of the FEC’s flawed disclosure and coordination regulations. The comments noted that the two organizations also filed comments last January, in a similar rulemaking proceeding, also seeking new disclosure and coordination rules.  The comments […]

Democracy 21 President Slams FEC Advisory Opinion Request From Democratic Super PACs

 Today, Democracy 21 joined the Campaign Legal Center in strongly urging the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to reject the request from Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC to follow the lead of a number of GOP Super PACs in breaking a variety of laws through coordinated activities with candidates.  The watchdog groups filed comments […]

California Adopts Strong New Anti-Coordination Rules; Similar Approach Used in Democracy 21 Model Bill

  The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) last week adopted strong new rules to prevent coordination between outside spending groups and the California candidates they are supporting. The new FPPC rules are designed to protect the integrity of candidate contribution limits in the wake of the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision. Coordination between […]

O’Malley Issues Strong Campaign Finance Reform Plan, But Fails to Address Presidential Financing

Former Governor Martin O’Malley issued a strong campaign finance reform plan today that addresses a number of  important campaign finance issues. They include creating a public financing system for congressional races based on matching small contributions and addressing the dysfunctional campaign finance enforcement system by restructuring and strengthening the Federal Election Commission and making enforcement […]

Reform Groups Urge President Obama to Reject Campaign Finance Riders in Appropriation Bills

Reform groups today wrote to President Obama strongly urging him to reject all riders in appropriations bills, including four damaging campaign finance riders, and to insist that clean FY 2016 appropriations legislation is sent to him for his signature. The reform groups include: Campaign Legal Center, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Common Cause, Democracy 21, Demos, […]

Reform Groups Call on IRS to End Misuse of Nonprofits to Launder Secret Contributions into Federal Elections

  In a letter sent today to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, reform groups called on the IRS to end the misuse use of nonprofit groups to launder secret contributions into federal elections. The reform groups included the Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, Demand Progress, Democracy 21, League of Women Voters, People For the American Way, […]

Fred Wertheimer: Democracy 21 Praises Campaign Finance Reform Plan Issued by Clinton

  Democracy 21 applauds the very important and valuable campaign finance reform policy plan former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued today. The plan contains essential elements to repair our corrupt campaign finance system and to restore the integrity of our elections. On July 23, 2015, Democracy 21 and eleven other reform organizations sent a […]

Fred Wertheimer statement: FEC Reports Confirm Billionaires and Millionaires Playing Dominant Role in Presidential Campaigns

The FEC reports filed by individual-candidate Super PACs confirm that billionaires and millionaires have become the dominant players in financing the 2016 presidential campaigns. The FEC reports also reveal that individual-candidate Super PACs are in the process of replacing candidate committees in the financing of the 2016 presidential campaigns. As of June 30, individual-candidate Super […]

Democracy 21 Joins with Reform Groups in Releasing Reform Agenda for 2016 Candidates

Today, Democracy 21 joined with eleven other reform groups in releasing “Fighting Big Money, Empowering People: A 21st Century Democracy Agenda.” The Agenda sets forth a comprehensive policy agenda developed by the groups to advance reforms that are vital to addressing fundamental problems in our political system. The Agenda is based on the concept that the […]