Buckle Up. The Road To November Will Be A Whirlwind.

Summer is winding down and, with the close of the Democratic Convention tonight, election season kicks into hyperdrive.

With Election Day just 74 days away, we stand on the brink of what will be the most expensive and one of the most consequential elections in our nation’s history.

It’s vitally important that the integrity of the vote be protected against any efforts by election deniers to manipulate the outcome of our elections.

Wertheimer’s Political Report returns on Thursday, September 5. In the meantime, catch up on some of our recent commentaries and op-eds:

⮞ “Never Give Up. Never Give In.” – Paving The Way To Historic Voting Rights & Democracy Reform

⮞ Chief Justice Roberts Writes SCOTUS’s Most Anti-American, Anti-Democratic Opinion Since Dred Scott

⮞ Trump’s Election Deniers’ Movement — Lies, Attacks, And Chaos

⮞ From Watergate’s “Suitcases Filled With Cash” To Today’s Billions In Secret Campaign Money

⮞ The Political $ Tsunami

Buckle up. The road to November will be a whirlwind.
We’ll see you in September.

Fred’s Weekly Note appears on Thursdays in Wertheimer’s Political Report, a Democracy 21 newsletter. Read this week’s and other recent newsletters hereAnd, subscribe for free here and receive your copy each week via email.