Trump Continues His Baseless Attacks on Vote By Mail

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 21, 2020freadshot

“Trump is not going to scam, con, lie, and cheat his way into a second presidential term.”

Published reports have detailed major changes in Postal Service policies that would seriously delay ballots being sent to voters and received by election officials. The impact of these changes go beyond the ballot and are leading to delays in the delivery of medicines, checks, and other items of importance to Americans.

The new Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, who has been making these changes as we enter the final stages of the national election, is a major Trump donor. He has given $1.2 million to the Trump Victory Fund and has been in charge of fundraising to pay for the Republican National Convention.

At a Senate hearing today – in the face of House action tomorrow on legislation to prevent his changes and House hearings next week – DeJoy claimed he will back down on Postal Service changes through the election.

But, there is great skepticism about what will actually be done by DeJoy and whether the White House is actually calling the shots here. The House is expected to go forward and pass legislation tomorrow to block any changes in past Postal Service policies prior to the November election.

Meanwhile, President Trump continues his wild, baseless, and irresponsible attacks on voting by mail.

Trump is plainly trying to stamp the November election as fraudulent even before any votes are cast. He never offers any proof of voter fraud, however, because he has none.

Yesterday, Trump upped the ante by threatening to send law enforcement officials to polling precincts to ensure there is no voter fraud. It is legally questionable if he has the authority to do this and, in any event, this would be highly improper and a blatant effort to intimidate voters.

All of Trump’s irresponsible actions are apparently being taken with two goals in mind: to suppress the vote for Biden and to reject the election results. But Trump is not going to scam, con, lie, and cheat his way into a second presidential term.

An army of lawyers and tens of millions of Americans await Trump if he makes any move to steal the election.
