Senator Elizabeth Warren Proposes Sweeping Campaign Finance Reform Plan

Senator Elizabeth Warren Proposes Sweeping Campaign Finance Reform Plan

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer

The sweeping campaign finance reform plan proposed today by Senator Elizabeth Warren contains numerous necessary reforms to attack the corrupting influence of big money in American politics.

Most importantly, the plan proposes a new small donor, public matching funds system that mirrors the 6 to 1 public match for contributions of up to $200 found in H.R. 1 and S. 949, the For the People Act, pending in Congress.

We applaud Senator Warren’s specific approach here as her public matching funds proposal directly aligns with all 235 House Democrats and all 47 Senate Democrats who are on record for the same public matching funds approach in supporting H.R. 1 and S. 949.

The financial stranglehold and corrupting influence that big money funders have on most federal officeholders will continue and will grow, until we provide candidates with the alternative means to finance their campaigns set forth in the small donor, public matching funds proposal.

Senator Warren has announced an extremely important position in saying her anti-corruption proposals will be her first order of business if she is elected President. History makes clear that if a President doesn’t move quickly on campaign finance reform legislation, the chances of enacting the legislation rapidly dissipate.
