Remarks of D21 President Fred Wertheimer at Press Conference to Support H.R. 1 Democracy Reforms (Video included)


H.R. 1 reflects the fact that our democracy is at a crossroads.

We have a broken political system and a corrupt campaign finance system.

The American people know it and strongly object to it.

An NBC NEWS/Wall Street Journal poll last fall found that 77 percent of registered voters said “reducing the influence of special interests and corruption in Washington” is “the most important or a very important issue facing the country.”

H.R. 1 is a holistic approach to dealing with the problems of Washington influence-money corruption, secret money in our elections, voter suppression, extreme partisan gerrymandering and flawed government ethics rules.

I want to briefly address two aspects of the battle that begins with H.R. 1.

We will not end influence-money corruption in Washington without providing candidates with the small donor, matching funds system found in H.R. 1. Washington corruption will not end without this alternative financing system, given the current campaign finance system enacted by the Supreme Court.

This new financing system is essential to end candidate dependency on big money funders, to empower ordinary Americans and to greatly reduce the power and influence of big money funders.

We do not enter this battle wearing rose-colored glasses.

We know this fight will be difficult and will take time. We envision a three to five year battle, but this fight will not stop until the democracy reforms of H.R. 1 are enacted.

It took five years to enact the McCain-Feingold law over the obstructionist tactics and unyielding opposition of Senator McConnell.

In the end, the McCain-Feingold law was enacted in a year with a Republican president, a House controlled by Republicans and a Senate controlled by Democrats by just one vote.

Public outrage played a central role in winning the reform battle in 2002.

Citizens will rise up again to win this battle.

The fight is on.
