Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Urges Support for the DISCLOSE Act of 2012 in Senate Testimony Today

In testimony before the Senate Rules Committee this morning, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer urged enactment of the DISCLOSE Act of 2012 and made the case for why this is essential disclosure legislation. According to the Wertheimer testimony: The legislation restores a cardinal rule of campaign finance laws:  citizens are entitled to know who is […]

New York Times editorials: When Other Voices Are Drowned Out; The Wall Between Contractors and Politics

The New York Times March 25, 2012 When Other Voices Are Drowned Out The Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 ruling in Citizens United in 2010 was shaped by an extreme view of the First Amendment: money equals speech, and independent spending by wealthy organizations and individuals poses no problem to the political system. The court cavalierly dismissed […]

AOR 2012-14 McCutcheon


FEC Reminded it has No Authority to Strike Down Contribution Limits in Filing by the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21

The Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 filed comments today with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), reminding the commission that it has no authority to strike down statutory aggregate contribution limits, or any other laws passed by Congress, as requested by Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) 2012-14.  The AOR filed on behalf of Shaun McCutcheon asks […]

Q and A on DISCLOSE Act of 2012 Introduced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Q and A on DISCLOSE Act of 2012 Introduced by Senator Whitehouse   Q.        Is it constitutional to require outside groups that make campaign-related expenditures to disclose their donors? A.        Yes.  In Citizens United v. FEC, 130 S.Ct. 876 (2010), the Supreme Court by an 8-1 majority upheld the provisions of federal law which require […]

Democracy 21 Summary of DISCLOSE Act of 2012 Introduced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Democracy 21 Summary of DISCLOSE Act of 2012        The DISCLOSE Act of 2012 introduced in the Senate by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse requires any “covered organization” which spends $10,000 or more on a “campaign-related disbursement” to file a disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours of the spending, and to file […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Support and Promptly Pass the DISCLOSE Act Introduced Today by Senator Whitehouse

Our organizations support the DISCLOSE Act introduced today by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and a number of other Senators. We strongly urge Senators to promptly consider and pass this essential campaign finance disclosure legislation. The organizations include: Americans for Campaign Finance Reform, the Brennan Center for Justice, the Campaign Legal Center, Citizens for Responsibility and […]