How the Citizens United Decision Unleashed Campaign Spending in Federal Elections by Tax-Exempt Organizations

By Fred Wertheimer President, Democracy 21 The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has changed the landscape of American politics. The decision has brought enormous amounts of unlimited contributions and secret money back into our elections, the kind of political money that has resulted in corruption and scandals in the past […]

Democracy 21 Calls on Justice Department to Investigate Whether Candidate-Specific Super PAC Supporting Santorum Is Engaged in Campaign Finance Violations

In a letter sent today to Attorney General Eric Holder, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer called for an investigation by the Justice Department “into whether a candidate-specific Super PAC supporting former Senator Rick Santorum is engaged in violations of the campaign finance laws.” The letter states that the Justice Department has “has the jurisdiction and […]

The Hill: Watchdog: Justice Department should investigate pro-Santorum super-PACs

By Rachel Leven  A campaign finance watchdog is calling on the Justice Department to look into possible campaign finance law violations by presidential candidate Rick Santorum and a pro-Santorum super-PAC. Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday recommending an investigation into the Red, White and Blue Fund’s interactions with […]

Double-Duty Donors, Part II: Large Numbers of Wealthy Donors Hit Legal Limit on Giving to Candidates, Turn to Presidential Super PACs in Continuing Trend

  Super PACs supporting presidential candidates continue to take in six- and seven-figure contributions from individuals who also have given the legal maximum to the candidate’s campaign committee. During 2011, the super PAC supporting GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney pulled in contributions from 172 individuals who also gave the legal maximum to Romney’s campaign — […]

On Understanding the Impact of the Citizens United Decision on Campaign Contributions to Super PACs

By Fred Wertheimer President, Democracy 21  On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court in a misguided and destructive decision ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the longstanding ban on corporate expenditures in federal campaigns was unconstitutional. In reaching this decision, the Court unleashed a flood of unlimited contributions into federal elections through […]

Reform Groups Urge House Members to Support and Co-Sponsor DISCLOSE 2012 Act, H.R. 4010

Enclosed for your information is a letter sent by reform groups today to all House members, urging Representatives to support and co-sponsor the DISCLOSE 2012 Act, H.R. 4010. The reform groups include: Americans for Campaign Finance Reform, the Brennan Center for Justice, the Campaign Legal Center, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Common Cause, […]

Democracy 21 Calls on Justice Department to Investigate Whether Super PACs Supporting Obama and Romney are Engaged in Massive Campaign Finance Violations

In a letter sent today to Attorney General Eric Holder, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer requested an investigation “by the Justice Department into whether the candidate-specific Super PACs associated with President Obama and presidential candidate Mitt Romney are engaged in massive violations of the campaign finance laws.” “Democracy 21 believes that the Super PACs supporting […]

New York Times Editorial: Sunlight on Secret Donations

Imagine if each of the vicious attack ads staining the presidential campaign had to name the five biggest donors paying for the propaganda, and end with an “I approved this ad” statement from the attack group’s chief operative. This thin ray of sunlight is at the heart of a new House proposal to repair some […]

Democracy 21 Summary of DISCLOSE 2012 Act

Introduced by Representative Chris Van Hollen The DISCLOSE 2012 Act requires any “covered organization” which spends $10,000 or more on a “campaign-related disbursement” to file a disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours of the expenditure, and to file a new report for each additional $10,000 or more that is spent. The […]

Statement of Democracy 21 President: New Disclosure Legislation Introduced Today By Representative Chris Van Hollen to Deal with Problems of Secret Contributions, Untimely Super PAC Disclosure

Democracy 21 applauds Representative Chris Van Hollen for taking the lead again in proposing new disclosure legislation to close gaping loopholes in the campaign finance disclosure laws which allowed more than $135 million in secret contributions to be spent by tax-exempt groups to influence the 2010 congressional races. The loopholes have occurred as a result […]