Statement, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on Secret Financing of 2010 Elections, Campaign Finance Reform Battles Ahead

The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United eliminated one of the nation’s principal laws to protect against government corruption and opened the door to campaign finance scandals which began to play out in the 2010 congressional races. As a result of the decision, one of the worst in Supreme Court history, this is the first election in […]

CED Money in Politics Forum: CED poll of business leaders released; Remarks of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer

  I would like to thank the Committee for Economic Development and its President, Charlie Kolb, for holding this forum today. A decade ago, CED provided a powerful and pivotal business voice in the successful effort to enact the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. CED’s return to the campaign finance reform issue is a […]

New York Times: Americans Want Disclosure and Limits on Campaign Spending

By Megan Thee-Brenan In a year of record campaign spending, Americans overwhelmingly support limits on corporate and advocacy group funding of campaign advertisements, strongly support limits on how much campaigns can spend and favor full disclosure of spending by both campaigns and outside groups. The latest New York Times/CBS News Poll found that nearly 8 […]

CED, nonpartisan organization of business leaders, to release Zogby Poll on business views about campaign spending, disclosure

CED Money in Politics Forum Zogby Poll of Business Leaders to be Released CONTACT: Morgan Broman (202)-296-5860 ext. On Thursday, October 28, 2010, the Committee for Economic Development (CED) willhost a luncheon forum on the role of money in politics in a post-Citizens United campaignclimate to discuss what options are available to curtail large, […]

Campaign finance bill has GOP wary

An article appeared today in The Hill entitled "Campaign finance bill has GOP wary." According to The Hill article: Both sides expect a pitched battle over Congress’s response to the landmark Supreme Court ruling. But even while Senate Republicans have been reluctant to publicly support the bill, its backers argue it will be hard for […]

The Washington Post: Lobbying expenditures drop for many firms in first quarter

The Washington PostLobbying expenditures drop for many firms in first quarterBy Dan EggenApril 22, 2010 Maybe everyone is just lobbied out. Despite passage of sweeping health-care legislation and an epic fight over Wall Street regulation, lobbying expenditures dropped for many major firms and trade organizations during the first quarter of 2009, according to disclosure forms […]

New Polling Information on the Citizens United Decision

A new Quinnipiac Poll released today shows overwhelming public opposition to the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case. According to the Quinnipiac Poll: Voters disapprove 79 – 14 percent of the Supreme Court’s January ruling removing limits on the amount corporations and unions could spend attacking or boosting political candidates, with consistently strong […]

The Washington Post: Both national party committees spend big chunks on fancy meals, hotels, travel

The Washington PostBoth national party committees spend big chunks on fancy meals, hotels, travelBy R. Jeffrey SmithApril 21, 2010 Both the national Democratic and Republican party committees spend about two-thirds of the money they take in on the care and comfort of committee staffs and on efforts to raise more funds, with lavish spending on […]

Democrats Claim At Least One Vote for Campaign Finance Bill

An article that appeared in CQ Politics entitled "Democrats Claim At Least One Vote for Campaign Finance Bill." CQ PoliticsDemocrats Claim At Least One Vote for Campaign Finance BillBy Matthew MurrayApril 19, 2010 House Democrats have locked down at least one Republican vote for a new campaign finance bill that is expected to debut this […]

The Washington Post: Citizens United challenges the strident side of Supreme Court ruling

The Washington Post Citizens United challenges the strident side of Supreme Court rulingBy Dan EggenApril 1, 2010 Fresh off a landmark victory in the U.S. Supreme Court, the conservative advocacy group Citizens United is trying to get around one part of the ruling it didn’t like. The group’s attorney, former solicitor general Theodore B. Olson, […]