Fred Wertheimer statement on cloture vote regarding the DISCLOSE Act

Republican Senators Vote to Protect Secret, Corrupting Contributions over Protecting the American People Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 greatly appreciates the outstanding national leadership provided by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in leading the Senate effort to pass the DISCLOSE Act. We also greatly appreciate the votes cast by each Senator who […]

Washington Post: Justices Split on Campaign Finance

The Washington PostJustices Split on Campaign Finance Court Will Debate Case This Fall Charles LaneSeptember 9, 2003 With the first caucuses and primaries of campaign 2004 bearing down on them, the justices of the Supreme Court convened yesterday for an unusual late-summer oral argument on campaign finance law, and when it was over, the four-hour […]

The Hill Experts don’t expect huge fallout from Citizens United decision in first quarter

The Hill Experts don’t expect huge fallout from Citizens United decision in first quarterBy Emily Goodin March 31, 2010 Campaign finance experts don’t expect to see a huge fallout from the recent Citizen United Supreme Court ruling in the first-quarter fundraising reports. Wednesday marks the end of the first quarter and it also marks the […]

The Los Angeles Times Editorial: Disclosing who influences elections

The Los Angeles TimesDisclosing who influences elections The DISCLOSE Act would prevent corporations, unions and many nonprofit advocacy groups from concealing the sources of their funding. It deserves to be debated and passed in the Senate.  The Senate is expected to vote Tuesday on whether to open debate on a bill, already approved by the […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Oppose McConnell Bill to Repeal Presidential Funding System and Turn Presidency Over to Big Money

Americans for Campaign Reform – Brennan Center for JusticeCampaign Legal Center – Common Cause – Democracy 21League of Women Voters – People For the American WayPublic Campaign – Public Citizen – U.S. PIRG In a letter sent to the Senate today, reform organizations strongly urged Senators to "oppose S. 194, legislation introduced by Senate Republican […]

New Ethics Plan Already Under Fire

An article appeared today in Roll Call entitled "New Ethics Plan Already Under Fire." The article begins, ”More than six months past their deadline, leaders of a special task force established to overhaul the House ethics process remain coy about the group’s work, even as reform advocates consider attacking a forthcoming proposal as too weak.” […]

The Hill: FEC reports more lobbyist bundlers

The HillFEC reports more lobbyist bundlersBy Kevin BogardusMay 26, 2009 At least four more lobbyist bundlers have been reported to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), according to new filings with the agency. A report by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) disclosed that four lobbyists collected $209,700 in campaign contributions for the political committee during […]

Washington Post Editorial Praises Success on McCain-Feingold Law

An editorial appeared today in The Washington Post entitled, "Campaign Finance Success." The editorial begins, ”The McCain-Feingold campaign finance law was supposed to be — or so its critics warned — a body blow to political parties. Starved of the six- and seven-figure ‘soft money’ checks to which they had become addicted, opponents said, the […]