
Fred Wertheimer statement on cloture vote regarding the DISCLOSE Act

Republican Senators Vote to Protect Secret, Corrupting Contributions over Protecting the American People Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 greatly appreciates the outstanding national leadership provided by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in leading the Senate effort to pass the DISCLOSE Act. We also greatly appreciate the votes cast by each Senator who […]

The Los Angeles Times Editorial: Finish Campaign Reform

On Tuesday, the Republican Party smashed soft-money fund-raising records by wooing corporate chieftains at a dinner headlined by President Bush. About $30 million, the lion’s share of it soft money, was collected. If any further proof were needed of the importance of the campaign finance reform that Congress passed in March, the dinner provided it. […]

Washington Post Editorial Praises Success on McCain-Feingold Law

An editorial appeared today in The Washington Post entitled, "Campaign Finance Success." The editorial begins, ”The McCain-Feingold campaign finance law was supposed to be — or so its critics warned — a body blow to political parties. Starved of the six- and seven-figure ‘soft money’ checks to which they had become addicted, opponents said, the […]

Newsday Editorial: Feckless FEC

The nation needs a new sheriff for federal elections. Without enforcement stronger than the Federal Election Commission is currently structured or inclined to provide, hard-won campaign-finance reform, including the key ban on soft money, will be meaningless. The nation’s campaign-finance watchdog should be independent of political parties to ensure that it works in the interest […]

National Journal: Health Reform’s Unending Money War

National JournalHealth Reform’s Unending Money WarBy Eliza Newlin Carney March 1, 2010 It’s too early to say how the messy, protracted health care debate will end. But one thing is already clear: It’s generated record lobbying expenditures. And like health care itself, the lobbying battle over health reform just keeps costing more. Health-care-related lobbying and […]

The Washington Post: FEC Nomination Impasse Stalls Disclosure of Bundling Data

The Washington PostFEC Nomination Impasse Stalls Disclosure of Bundling DataAgency Cannot Set New Rules for Fundraising by LobbyistsBy Paul KaneApril 4, 2008 The stalemate over the Federal Election Commission’s nominating process, which already has crippled the agency’s ability to uphold existing campaign laws, is indefinitely delaying the implementation of a new rule designed to shine […]

PRESS BRIEFING TOMORROW: New Proposal Seeks to Boost the Power of Small Donors After Citizens United

MEDIA ADVISORY for Wednesday, August 21, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. EST Contact: Kathryn Beard, 202-355-9600,, Jeanine Plant-Chirlin, 646.292.8322, PRESS BRIEFING: New Proposal Seeks to Boost the Power of Small Donors After Citizens United New Plan Could Alter the Way We Finance Campaigns WASHINGTON, DC —On WEDNESDAY AUGUST 22, the Brennan Center for Justice and Democracy […]

New York Times Editorial: The Secret Election

For all the headlines about the Tea Party and blind voter anger, the most disturbing story of this year’s election is embodied in an odd combination of numbers and letters: 501(c)(4). That is the legal designation for the advocacy committees that are sucking in many millions of anonymous corporate dollars, making this the most secretive […]

The New York Times: Interest Groups Step Up Efforts in a Tight Race

The New York TimesInterest Groups Step Up Efforts in a Tight RaceBy Jim Rutenberg and Michael LuoSeptember 16, 2008 After largely staying on the sidelines, the types of independent groups that so affected the 2004 presidential campaign are flooding back as players in the final sprint to the election this fall, financing provocative messages on […]