
Statement by Reform Groups on the Internet Regulation Adopted Today by the FEC

Statement of Reform Groups on the InternetRegulation Adopted Today by the FEC The following statement is being issued by the Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, Democracy 21, the League of Women Voters, Public Citizen and U.S. PIRG: Throughout this process, our organizations have supported both protecting the free speech rights of bloggers and other individual Internet […]

New York Times editorial: Follow the Money to the Floor

Three House members got word the other day that investigators have recommended that the ethics committee delve into their fund-raising from Wall Street donors — lucrative labors that happened to coincide precisely with some big votes on reforming Wall Street. Five other members were cleared in the same inquiry, raising the question of exactly what […]

Lexington-Herald Leader (KY) Editorial: McConnell’s hypocrisy on campaign disclosure

Lexington-Herald LeaderEditorialMitch McConnell believed in public disclosure related to campaign contributions in 1987. In a commentary published in the Herald-Leader, he lauded "post-Watergate disclosure laws" that help "flush out" politicians who "sacrifice duties or principles to get more money."Kentucky’s senior U.S. senator believed in disclosure in 1989 when he joined a Democratic colleague in introducing […]

POLITICO: New business plan: crushing Dems

By: Jeanne Cummings and Chris Frates Democrats may be going out of their way to say they aren’t anti-business, but business is gearing up to demonstrate that it’s anti-Democrats – at least when it comes to members of the party’s liberal wing. The latest blatant signs of hostility come from coal executives who are considering starting […]

Letter from Democracy 21 and Other Reform Groups Urging House Members to Vote for Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill

On July 30, 2007 Democracy 21 and other reform groups sent a letter to House members, strongly urging Representatives to vote for the lobbying and ethics reform legislation when it is considered by the House on the suspension calendar. Democracy 21 was joined by the Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause, the League of Women Voters, Public Citizen […]

USA Today: Reports show that more campaigns raise big money

USA TodayReports show that more campaigns raise big moneyBy John FritzeDecember 15, 2008 Nearly half of the nation’s House and Senate candidates raised $1 million or more in contributions for the 2008 election, about two-thirds more than a decade ago, campaign-finance reports show. Watchdog groups say ever-more-costly campaigns benefit incumbents, who have an easier time […]

The Hill: Lawmakers skip taxes on family travel

The HillLawmakers skip taxes on family travelBy Mike SoraghanFebruary 9, 2009 Many members of Congress may have a Tom Daschle problem. A week after the former senator withdrew his nomination for Health and Human Services secretary because of reports he didn’t pay taxes on a car and driver, lawmakers are facing their own tax questions. […]

Another Moment of Truth for the FEC

Another Moment of Truth for the FEC– A Report from Washington by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer – This week, on May 13, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is scheduled to consider a proposal by two of its Commissioners that would put the brakes on "527 political organizations" that are circumventing the federal campaign finance […]

New York Times Editorial Rejects House Ethics Committee Pre-Approval of Privately-Funded Trips for Members

An editorial appeared today in The New York Times entitled, ”Razzle-Dazzle ‘Em Ethics Reform.” The editorial challenges and rejects as ”cosmetic” the system currently being considered, under which the House Ethics Committee would pre-approve privately-funded trips for members of Congress. The New York TimesRazzle-Dazzle ‘Em Ethics Reform June 21, 2006 The House ethics committee, ever […]

Washington Post: FEC Drops ‘Soft Money’ Action; GOP, Democratic Groups Warned About Future Fundraising

The Washington PostFEC Drops ‘Soft Money’ Action; GOP, Democratic Groups Warned About Future FundraisingThomas B. EdsallApril 29, 2003 The Federal Election Commission dismissed complaints against two inactive “soft money” committees yesterday but warned that tougher steps could be taken once active fundraising begins. The decisions announced yesterday were the first test of the regulatory enforcement […]