
Associated Press Legislatures push back against campaign ruling

Associated Press Legislatures push back against campaign rulingBy Tom Breen  March 13, 2010 The U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of decades-old campaign spending limits gives states scant time to face an election-year puzzle: Brace for a flood of new money in politics or find new ways to rein it in. Within days of the ruling, state […]

Poll: Large majority opposes Supreme Court’s decision on campaign financing; A Welcome, if Partial, Fix; Democracy 21 Statement

Below is an article about a Washington Post-ABC News poll that appeared today in The Washington Post entitled "Poll: Large majority opposes Supreme Court’s decision on campaign financing," and an editorial that appeared today in The New York Times entitled "A Welcome, if Partial, Fix." According to the Post poll, eight out of ten Americans […]

Representative Van Hollen and Senator Schumer Announce Legislative Response to Citizens United; Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Strongly Supports Legislative Package, Calls for Prompt Congressional Action

Representative Van Hollen and Senator Schumer Announce Legislative Response to Citizens United; Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Strongly Supports Legislative Package, Calls for Prompt Congressional Action Below is a release issued today that sets forth the Legislative Framework prepared by Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), assistant to the House Speaker, and Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) […]

Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Calls for Prompt Legislative Response to Citizens United Decision in Senate Rules Committee Testimony

  In testimony today before the Senate Rules Committee, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer called on Congress “to move swiftly to enact legislation to mitigate the enormous damage done” to the political system by the recent Citizens United decision. Wertheimer testified that it was essential to promptly pass legislation that addresses the problems caused by […]

National Policy to Ban Corporate Wealth from Being Used in Federal Campaigns was Established in 1907

The question has been raised about whether the policy to ban corporate contributions and expenditures in federal elections dates back to 1947 or to 1907. It is clear from the history of the law that the policy to ban corporate expenditures originated in 1907. In 1907, Congress enacted legislation to prohibit corporations from "directly or […]

Citizen United Decision Does Open a Major Loophole for Foreign Interests to Participate in Federal Elections Through Domestic-Controlled Corporations, Congress Needs to Act Quickly to Close the Loophole

Last night in his State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to enact legislation to correct the problems caused by the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Citizens United v. FEC. The President said that the decision “reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations […]

Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Opens Huge Campaign Finance Loophole for Foreign Countries and other Foreign Entities to Participate in Federal Elections

  Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case has opened a huge loophole in the campaign finance laws that will allow foreign countries, foreign corporations and foreign individuals to participate in electing and defeating federal officeholders and other candidates. The Supreme Court majority was apparently unaware […]

Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case is Disaster for American People and Dark Day for the Court

Destructive Decision Turns Back Clock to 19th Century; Chief Justice Roberts Abandons His Public Commitment to “Judicial Modesty” and “Respect for Precedent” Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Today’s Supreme Court decision in theCitizens United case is a disaster for the American people and a dark day for the Supreme Court. The decision will […]

Democracy 21 Report: No Bark, No Bite, No Point

Democracy 21 Report: No Bark, No Bite, No Point In 2002, a task force of campaign finance and enforcement experts convened by Democracy 21 issued a 142-page report documenting the failure of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to carry out its enforcement responsibilities and setting forth a detailed proposal for establishing a new agency to […]