
E.J. Dionne Jr. In The Washington Post: The Jan. 6 Committee Has A Narrow But Priceless Opening

E.J. Dionne Jr. In The Washington Post: The Jan. 6 Committee Has A Narrow But Priceless Opening “The task before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol this week is to demonstrate that day’s viciousness was not some spontaneous outbreak of mayhem but an organized, radical, and dangerous assault on […]

Jan. 6 Public Hearings That Begin On June 9 Will Be “Must Watch TV”

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | June 2, 2022 The televised hearings of the House Jan. 6 Committee that begin next Thursday will have historical significance in the battle taking place in our country between democracy and autocracy. The House Select Committee is investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol – the first since the […]

Justice Clarence Thomas – A Political Partisan In A Justice’s Robe

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | May 19, 2022 Justice Clarence Thomas is a political partisan in a Justice’s robe. Justices come to the Supreme Court with conservative, liberal, or moderate judicial philosophies. Obviously, they also have their own private views of politics and public policy. But, when a Justice openly brings his private views on political […]

The Sustaining Our Democracy Act Is Essential Legislation To Protect The Integrity Of Our Elections And Democracy

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer One of the greatest dangers facing our democracy today is the systematic poisoning of the integrity of our elections by former President Trump and the unrelenting spread of his Big Lie in our nation. This has led to millions of Americans doubting the honesty of our elections, despite […]

LISTEN: D21 President Fred Wertheimer On Supreme Court Siding With Sen. Ted Cruz In Campaign Finance Case

  “The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority sided with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday, ruling that a federal ban on outsiders repaying a candidate’s campaign loan to himself after an election violates the constitutional guarantee of free speech,” National Public Radio correspondent Nina Totenberg reported on Monday. The decision, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer told NPR, […]

More Than 120 Civil Rights And Democracy Groups Call On Social Media Giants To Act Immediately To Combat Election Disinformation Ahead Of Midterms

More than 120 civil rights, democracy, and public interest groups, including Democracy 21, called on the major social media companies to combat and curb election disinformation on their platforms ahead of this year’s midterm elections. In a May 12 letter to the CEOs of Meta (Facebook), Twitter, YouTube, Snap, Instagram, TikTok, and Alphabet (Google), the groups urged […]

The Dangerous Spread Of Trump’s Lying Ways

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | May 12, 2022 Former President Donald Trump has done enormous damage to our political system with his never-ending Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Neither Trump nor anyone else has provided a shred of evidence that voter fraud had any impact on the 2020 presidential […]

Trump’s Next Presidential Coup Attempt Could Work Unless Existing Laws Are Repaired, D21 President Fred Wertheimer Warns In New Just Security Op-Ed

If Donald Trump is nominated again in 2024, “another attempt at a Trump presidential coup is far more likely to succeed – unless flawed laws, enacted in 1845 and 1887 and still on the books today, are repaired,” Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer warns in a new op-ed published today by Just Security. While most of […]

The Draft Alito Opinion & The Dangerous Politicization Of The Supreme Court

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | May 5, 2022 The leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito wipes out Roe v. Wade and takes away the constitutional right of women to make their own decisions about their bodies. The draft opinion reverses a super precedent that for a half-century has been repeatedly relied […]

Sen. Manchin Apparently Forgot That He Played A Key Role In Killing Legislation To Protect Voting Rights

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has demonstrated that we need a new word for “chutzpah.” Because “chutzpah” does not even begin to capture the extent of Senator Manchin’s gall in expressing his “concerns” during a Senate hearing last week that there is “a lot of work to do” to […]