
Choosing Between the Sacred Right to Vote and the Filibuster Rules

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 27, 2021 “It is clear that to pass the Senate, S. 1 will need the vote of Senator Manchin both for S. 1 and for an exception to the filibuster rules.” If, as expected, Republicans successfully filibuster the legislation to create a commission to investigate the January 6 insurrectionist mob […]

The Most Important Decision of Senator Manchin’s Career – Wertheimer in Medium

Enclosed for your information is a piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled “The Most Important Decision of Senator Manchin’s Career,” which was published in Medium on May 27, 2021. Read the full piece here or below. The Most Important Decision of Senator Manchin’s Career Fred Wertheimer | Medium | 5/27/21 If, as expected, […]

Only S. 1 Will Override Existing Voter Suppression Laws

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 20, 2021 “Only S. 1 will prevent state voter suppression laws from denying millions of eligible citizens the ability to vote in the 2022 congressional elections and the 2024 presidential and congressional elections.” Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) made a move this week to deflect attention away from his failure, to […]

D21 Urges Congress to Support Independent Bipartisan Commission to Investigate 1/6 Attack

Democracy 21 Urges Representatives to Support Independent Bipartisan Commission to Investigate January 6 Attack Democracy 21 sent a letter to Representatives yesterday urging their support for an independent bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 mob attack on the Capitol. According to the letter: Accountability and transparency are demanded here. The American people need to […]

John Lewis Voting Rights Act Must Pass, But Will Not Impact State Voter Suppression Laws Already Enacted

John Lewis Voting Rights Act, Strongly Supported by Democracy 21, Will Have No Impact on State Voter Suppression Laws Enacted Before Act Becomes Law Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Yesterday, Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) sent a letter to congressional leadership calling for the reauthorization of the Voting Right Act. […]

Senator Manchin’s Choice

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 13, 2021 “Only the voting provisions in S. 1, the For the People Act, will override and supersede the numerous voter suppression laws already enacted in states around the country, such as in Georgia, Florida, and Arizona, or soon to be enacted, such as in Texas and other states.” On […]

30 Representatives from States with Citizen Financing Applaud Small Donor Matching System in S. 1, Urge Passage

30 Representatives from States with Citizen Financing Applaud Small Donor Matching System in S. 1, Urge Passage Enclosed for your information is a letter sent yesterday, May 11, by 30 Democratic Representatives to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, chief S. 1 sponsor Senator Jeff Merkley, and Senate Rules Committee Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar. The letter from House […]

Who Said That? A Pop Quiz about Senate Rules Committee Members Marking Up S. 1 Today – Wertheimer piece

Enclosed for your information is a piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Who Said That? A Pop Quiz about Members of the Senate Rules Committee as they Mark Up S. 1 Today.” Read the full piece below. Who Said That? A Pop Quiz about Members of the Senate Rules Committee as they Mark […]

Republican State Lawmakers are Engaged in Political Coup Supported by Congressional GOP – Wertheimer in Medium

Enclosed for your information is an article entitled, “Republican Officeholders in the States are Engaged in a Political Coup Supported by Congressional Republicans,” which was published in Medium on May 10, 2021. According to the article: Congress cannot allow state legislatures to deprive millions of eligible citizens of their right to vote. The For the […]

Republican Officeholders in the States are Engaged in a Political Coup Supported by Congressional Republicans – Wertheimer in Medium

Republican Officeholders in the States are Engaged in a Political Coup Supported by Congressional Republicans Fred Wertheimer | 5/10/21 | Medium Republican officeholders in the states are engaged in a political coup supported by congressional Republicans. The voter suppression laws being enacted by Republican-controlled state legislatures around the country are an effort to eliminate as […]