
The Filibuster Rules Are Not Sacred – Just Ask Joe Manchin.

The Filibuster Rules Are Not Sacred – Just Ask Joe Manchin. Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) brought up the For the People Act in an attempt to begin debate on a crucial piece of legislation that will protect voting rights, get big money out of politics and end partisan gerrymandering. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans […]

Sen. Manchin Previously Voted to Eliminate the Filibuster on Motions to Begin Debate on Legislation, Like the For the People Act

Senator Manchin Previously Voted to Eliminate the Filibuster on Motions to Begin Debate on Legislation, Like the For the People Act On January 27, 2011, Senator Joe Manchin cosponsored and voted for S. Res. 10 to eliminate the ability to filibuster motions to begin debate on legislation, like the For the People Act. S. Res. […]

In Their Own Words: The Candidates Empowered by the Small Donor Revolution

In Their Own Words: The Candidates Empowered by the Small Donor Revolution In anticipation of tomorrow’s vote to proceed on S. 1, the For the People Act, Democracy 21, in partnership with People for the American Way (PFAW) and the Declaration for American Democracy Coalition (DFAD), will be releasing a series of videos of women […]

Support For Small Donor Financing Has Long and Deep Roots Among Senate Democrats, Must Be Kept In S. 1

Support For Small Donor Financing Has Long and Deep Roots Among Senate Democrats, Must Be Kept In S. 1 Last week, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) expressed a willingness to support a revised version of S. 1, the For the People Act – legislation which currently includes a small donor-based public financing system that will help […]

Sen. Manchin Would Be Defending Sen. Robert Byrd’s Legacy By Supporting Small Donor Financing In S. 1

Sen. Manchin Would Be Defending Sen. Robert Byrd’s Legacy By Supporting Small Donor Financing In For The People Act (S.1) “[Y]ou’re talking about a person that’s going to defend the legacy of Robert C. Byrd.”  Senator Joe Manchin, February 2, 2021 Yesterday, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) opened the door to supporting a revised version of […]

The Senate Takes Up the For the People Act Next Week

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | June 17, 2021 “Senators Schumer and Manchin must be persuaded to keep the small donor financing system in the For the People Act, the most important anti-corruption legislation since the 1970s.” Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) provided a list of items yesterday that he could support regarding the voting rights, money […]

A Pivotal Moment for Voting Rights

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | June 10, 2021 “Only S. 1 will supersede the voter suppression laws being enacted by numerous Republican-controlled state legislatures all over the country. Legislation to override these laws must be enacted by this summer in order to be implemented by the states in time for the 2022 congressional elections.” Senate Majority […]

The Senate may be a legislative graveyard, but debate is not yet dead in the US – D21 VP Matt Keller in The Hill

Enclosed for your information is an op-ed by Democracy 21 President Matt Keller entitled, “The Senate may be a legislative graveyard, but debate is not yet dead in the US,” which was published here in The Hill on June 6, 2021. Read the full piece below or here. The Senate may be a legislative graveyard, […]

Only the For the People Act’s Voting Rules Will Override New State Voter Suppression Laws

Only the For the People Act’s Federal Voting Rules Will Override the State Voter Suppression Laws Newly Enacted in 14 States A Democracy 21 factsheet on key differences between the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act The For the People Act (H.R. 1/S. 1) and the John Lewis Voting […]

A Summer Showdown on Voting Rights

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | June 3, 2021 “Texas legislators made very clear that Democrats in Congress must act to override the voter suppression and discrimination laws being enacted around the country. “ Texas Democratic legislators sent a powerful message to Democrats in Washington last week. When the Democrats walked out of the Texas Legislature […]