Press Releases Archive

President Trump, in a Surprise Move, Apparently Embraces Public Financing of Elections – But Only for Himself

President Trump, in a Surprise Move, Apparently Embraces Public Financing of Elections – But Only for Himself Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer In a surprise move, and in the face of Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s longstanding opposition, President Trump now appears to have embraced public financing of elections – but only for his […]

President Trump, Who Voted By Mail in 2018 and Plans to Vote By Mail in 2020, Opposes Voting By Mail

President Trump Opposes Voting Absentee by Mail in 2020 Elections, Yet Voted by Mail in New York (2018) and Has Applied to Vote by Mail in Florida (2020) Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump Voted Absentee (Unsuccessfully) in NY (2017), Jared Kushner Registered to Vote in NY and NJ Simultaneously (2017) Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred […]

House Passes Historic $2 Trillion Relief Legislation

House Passes Historic $2 Trillion Relief Legislation Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The House today passed historic legislation to address the coronavirus crisis – an historic problem for the United States and the world.The unprecedented $2 trillion economic relief package will provide essential assistance to immeasurable millions of struggling Americans, as well as […]

Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price – Wertheimer piece

Enclosed for your information is a piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price,” which was published on Medium today, March 26, 2020. Read the full piece below or here. Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price By Fred Wertheimer | 3/26/2020 | Medium […]

One Year Later, The Battle For H.R. 1 Goes On

One Year Later, The Battle For H.R. 1 Goes On Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer This coming Sunday, March 8, marks one year since the House passed H.R. 1, historic democracy reform legislation to repair the nation’s broken political system and corrupt campaign finance system. While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has blocked […]

Senate Republicans Make Partisan Move to Add A Republican Commissioner to Currently-Defunct FEC, Ignore Democratic Vacancy

Senate Republicans Make Partisan Move to Add A Republican Commissioner to Currently-Defunct FEC, Ignore Democratic Vacancy Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Since last September, the Federal Election Commission has had only three Commissioners. It has therefore been unable to take any oversight and enforcement actions, as four Commissioners are necessary to constitute a […]

D21 Files Fifth DOJ Complaint Against AG Barr for Repeated Biased Actions on Behalf of President Trump

Democracy 21 Files Fifth Justice Department Complaint Against AG Barr for Repeated Biased Actions on Behalf of President Trump Complaint Charges Barr Has Seriously Compromised the Integrity and Credibility Of The Justice Department As An Independent, Nonpartisan Guardian Of The Rights And Protections Of All Americans Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Office […]

Trump’s Vision of the Presidency: Absolute Power, No Accountability

Trump’s Vision of the Presidency: Absolute Power, No Accountability Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer House and Senate Republicans, joined by Attorney General William Barr, have paved the way for President Trump to exercise his vision of absolute Presidential power without accountability for his actions. This is the approach we fought a revolution to […]

Trump’s $580,600 Per Couple Fundraiser is the Direct Result of McCutcheon v. FEC – Wertheimer piece

Enclosed for your information is a piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Trump’s $580,600 Per Couple Fundraiser Tomorrow is the Direct Result of the Supreme Court’s Decision in McCutcheon v. FEC that was ‘Divorced from Reality’” which was published on Medium on February 14, 2020. Read the full article here or below. Trump’s […]

Trump Tests The Constitution. The Constitution Must And Will Prevail.

Trump Tests The Constitution And Challenges Our Founders. The Constitution Must And Will Prevail. Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer President Trump showed again this week that he believes he has dictatorial powers. In the course of two days, Trump improperly interfered in the Executive and Judicial branches of our government. This followed his […]