Press Releases Archive

Senate Republican Leadership Again Block Senate Consideration of Democracy Reform and Election Security

Senate Republican Leadership Again Block Senate Consideration of Democracy Reform and Election Security Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Under the continued leadership of “Moscow Mitch” McConnell, Senate Republicans have struck again to prevent the Senate from considering democracy reforms and election security measures. An effort by Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Jeff Merkley […]

Wertheimer Statement: Federal Judge’s Finding that House Impeachment Inquiry is Legal Wipes Out Baseless Graham and McConnell Attacks

Federal Judge’s Finding that House Impeachment Inquiry is Legal Wipes Out Baseless Attacks on Inquiry by Senators Graham and McConnell Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the federal district court in Washington, D.C. found last Friday that the House impeachment inquiry is legal. Judge Howell wrote, “Even in cases of […]

D21 Urges House Members To Vote For SHIELD Act To Strengthen U.S. Election Security

Democracy 21 sent a letter to all House Members today urging their support for the SHIELD Act, H.R. 4617, introduced by House Administration Chair Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) to “protect the integrity of our democracy and our elections.” The letter noted that there are “major loopholes” in current statutory restrictions on […]

36 Organizations Send Letter Today Urging House Members to Vote for SHIELD Act to Strengthen U.S. Election Security

36 Organizations Send Letter Today Urging House Members to Vote for SHIELD Act to Strengthen U.S. Election Security Organizations urge members to vote for the SHIELD Act to protect U.S. elections from foreign intervention In a letter sent to Representatives today, 36 organizations urged all House Members to support H.R. 4617, the SHIELD Act, introduced […]

Former Vice President Biden Yesterday Announced A Far-Reaching Campaign Finance and Ethics Reform Plan

Former Vice President Biden Yesterday Announced A Far-Reaching Campaign Finance and Ethics Reform Plan Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Former Vice President Joe Biden yesterday announced a far-reaching campaign finance and ethics reform plan that included the creation of an essential small donor, public matching funds system to finance federal elections. The former […]

Senator Elizabeth Warren Proposes Sweeping Campaign Finance Reform Plan

Senator Elizabeth Warren Proposes Sweeping Campaign Finance Reform Plan Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The sweeping campaign finance reform plan proposed today by Senator Elizabeth Warren contains numerous necessary reforms to attack the corrupting influence of big money in American politics. Most importantly, the plan proposes a new small donor, public matching funds […]

D21 Files Complaint with DOJ IG Calling For An Investigation of AG Barr and His Role in the Ukraine Affair

Democracy 21 Files Complaint with DOJ Inspector General Calling For An Investigation of AG Barr and His Role in the Ukraine Affair Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz calling on the IG to investigate Attorney General William Barr’s activities relating to the recent whistleblower complaint concerning President […]

House Judiciary Committee Adopts Resolution that Makes Clear the Committee is Conducting an Impeachment Inquiry

House Judiciary Committee Adopts Resolution that Makes Clear the Committee is Conducting an Impeachment Inquiry Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer There has been some confusion raised about the investigation being conducted by the House Judiciary Committee. Earlier this year, on March 4, the House Judiciary Committee opened an investigation “into the alleged obstruction of […]

FEC Regresses From Dysfunctional To Nonfunctional

With One Resignation, Federal Election Commission Regresses From Dysfunctional To Nonfunctional Statement of Democracy 21 Counsel Donald Simon With Commissioner Matthew Petersen’s resignation from the Federal Election Commission announced today, the FEC will regress from a dysfunctional agency to one that, as a practical matter, ceases to function at all. Of the six seats on […]

Lawless President Recklessly Invites Foreign Countries to Interfere in U.S. Elections – Wertheimer Statement

President Trump’s comment yesterday that he sees nothing wrong with accepting opposition research from a foreign country seeking to influence our elections, shocking as it is, should come as no surprise to anyone.Trump made his position on this clear during the 2016 presidential campaign when he publicly called on Russia to find and make available […]