Press Releases Archive

Groups Urge House Committees to Hold Multiple Public Hearings to Bring Mueller Report to Life

In a letter sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) today, national groups that worked to protect the Mueller investigation urged a number of House Committees to hold hearings to educate the American people on the findings of the Mueller report. The groups included Action Group Network, American Oversight, Center for American Progress, Center for […]

D21 Urges FEC to Oppose Proposed Creation of New Campaign Spending Category Not Authorized by Law and Funded by Massive Contributions

  Democracy 21 sent a letter today to the four Commissioners of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) urging them to vote against a proposed new rule that would “create an entirely new and unauthorized category of spending from political party ‘building fund’ accounts which are funded by massive contributions from individuals of up to $213,000 […]

Over 100 Groups Call on 2020 Presidential Candidates to Make Democracy Reforms First Priority if Elected

Democracy 21 Joins More Than 100 Groups To Call On 2020 Presidential Candidates To Make Democracy Reforms First Priority In 2021 If Elected Democracy 21 joined with over 100 good government, civil rights, environmental, religious, and other groups from the Declaration for American Democracy in sending a letter to all prospective 2020 presidential candidates today […]

D21 Calls on DOJ OPR to Ensure AG Barr’s Recusal from Active Mueller-Related Cases

Democracy 21 Calls on DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility to Ensure Attorney General Barr is Recused on Bias Grounds from Overseeing 14 Active Cases Stemming from Mueller Investigation In a letter sent today to the Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer wrote that Attorney General William Barr “must recuse […]

Mueller Report Opens Door For Civil Enforcement By Federal Election Commission

Mueller Report Opens Door For Civil Enforcement By Federal Election Commission A failure by the FEC to enforce the law here would be an abdication of its statutory responsibility and would set a terrible precedent, according to Democracy 21 On April 30, 2019, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Common Cause, and Democracy 21 filed a supplement to a Federal […]

Attorney General Barr Shills For President Trump Today As He Undermines The Rule Of Law And Destroys His Own Credibility

Attorney General William Barr has been acting as defense attorney for President Trump ever since he sent his memo as a private citizen to the Justice Department in June 2018 attacking Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into obstruction of justice as “fatally misconceived.” Given that Barr had prejudged the Mueller investigation as improper, as soon as he […]

Wertheimer Statement: Trump Gets No Do-Overs In His Glowing Praise Of The Mueller Report

President Trump: There Are No Do-Overs In Real Golf Or In Your Glowing Praise Of The Mueller Report Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Golfers know that when they are playing for real there are no do-overs. No mulligans are allowed. Similarly, there are no do-overs allowed for President Trump in his glowing praise […]

Democracy 21 Files DOJ Complaint Against Attorney General Barr

Democracy 21 Files DOJ Complaint Against Attorney General Barr D21 President Calls on DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility to Find AG Barr Engaged in Improper Conduct by Explosively Asserting, Without Evidence, ‘Spying’ by FBI and DOJ on Trump Campaign In a complaint sent today to the Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), Democracy 21 […]

AG Barr Abused His Office To Provide Unsubstantiated Ammunition For President Trump

Attorney General Barr Abused His Office To Provide Unsubstantiated Ammunition For President Trump Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr recklessly abused his powerful position by claiming that the government had spied on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.  In making this assertion, Barr parroted Republican talking points, not […]

Wertheimer Remarks Delivered at Rally to Demand AG Barr Send Complete Mueller Report to Congress

Enclosed for your information are remarks by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer, delivered at the April 4, 2019 rally to demand that Attorney General Barr release the complete Mueller report. Remarks at Nobody Is Above The Law Rally to Demand Attorney General Barr Send Complete Mueller Report to Congress Remarks of Democracy 21 President Fred […]