President Donald Trump, the would-be autocrat, has shown in the early days of his second term that he is a dangerous threat to the democracy our country has stood for since our founding.
Democracy 21’s TrumpWatch seeks to monitor and hold accountable the anti-democracy efforts being carried out by President Trump and his allies.
The Walls May Be Starting To Close In On Trump
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Jan. 6 TrumpWatchby Jackie HowellDemocracy vs. Autocracy
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |TrumpWatchby Jackie HowellTrump’s Ceaseless Efforts To Undermine Our Democracy
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Election Interference TrumpWatch voter suppression Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellTrump’s Big Lie Continues
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Democracy Reforms Freedom To Vote Act TrumpWatch Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellD21 President Fred Wertheimer On Trump’s “Rip-Off” Fundraising Scheme
|Press Releases |Campaign Finance Reform Democracy Reforms TrumpWatchby Jackie Howell