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Fred’s Weekly Note

Chief Justice Roberts Writes SCOTUS’s Most Anti-American, Anti-Democratic Opinion Since Dred Scott

In Trump v. United States, the last opinion of the Supreme Court’s term, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing also for the five other Republican-appointed, conservative Justices, exhibited arrogance and hubris in a shameless attempt to overrule our Founders. The Roberts opinion bestowed absolute immunity for “official acts” in some cases and presumptive immunity in others for Presidents that […]

A Reminder — 8 Things To Know About The U.S. v. Trump Indictment

Some Supreme Court Justices have slow walked a decision in United States v. Trump to the point where it is virtually guaranteed that former President Donald Trump’s trial for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election will not be held before the November election. The Supreme Court case, first raised for consideration with the Court six months ago, […]

Slow Walking For Trump

For six months now, the Supreme Court, led by six Republican-appointed Justices, has been slow walking a decision on former President Donald Trump’s frivolous claim that he has absolute immunity for actions he took while President. The Justices responsible for this delay have done a grave disservice to the American people. By all appearances, these […]

Trump’s Election Deniers’ Movement — Lies, Attacks, And Chaos

Former President Donald Trump told a lot of lies while in office – some 30,573 false or misleading statements, according to one count. Perhaps his biggest lie was that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen from him. Trump has repeated this election lie constantly, without a shred of evidence. Trump’s false attacks on the integrity […]

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From The Watergate Era’s “Suitcases Filled With Cash” To Today’s Billions In Secret Campaign Money

D21 Endorses Government By The People Act, Which Would Create An Innovative Way To Finance Campaigns And Lessen The Big-Money Stranglehold On Elections

The Supreme Court Fails Country In Its Inexplicable Failure To Issue Timely Opinion On Trump Immunity