Tag Archive for: Citizens United

From The Watergate Era’s “Suitcases Filled With Cash” To Today’s Billions In Secret Campaign Money

This week, in lieu of a Fred Note, here’s a “Fred Listen”: “If money is buying influence and results over government policies, then most Americans are shut out, because the campaign finance system is dominated by people who are putting up very large sums of money.” – D21 President Fred Wertheimer There’s a corner of the […]

Trump, A Jury Of His Peers, And The Roberts Court

In an op-ed published Monday on Medium, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer discusses last week’s conviction in New York of former President Donald Trump on all 34 felony counts he faced, and how the Supreme Court could “take a lesson” from the New York jury, judge, and D.A.’s office. The Supreme Court’s current slow-walking of its […]

The Roberts Court And The Systematic Dismantling Of Our Political System

The Supreme Court, controlled by a Republican-appointed majority, has played a seminal role in gravely damaging our political system and our democracy. The Court majority has created a corrupt campaign finance system, undermined the nation’s ability to stop voter discrimination and suppression, and all but eliminated the ability to stop extreme partisan and racial gerrymandering. […]

The Political $ Tsunami

In my more than 50 years of working to curb the influence of big money on politics and policy, I have never heard of a case where a presidential candidate asked a group of donors to raise one billion dollars for his campaign, much less to do so in exchange for favorable government policies. Yet that reportedly […]

The Billionaires’ And Millionaires’ Democracy

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | August 25, 2022 Our nation’s capital today floats on an ocean of influence money provided to elect favored candidates and/or to seek results in Washington. Case in point: Peter Thiel is a multibillionaire venture capitalist who co-founded PayPal and was Facebook’s first outside investor. Peter Thiel symbolizes today’s campaign finance […]

LISTEN: Fred Wertheimer on Planet Money — From Watergate’s “Suitcases Filled With Cash” To Today’s Billions In Secret Campaign Money

NPR’s Planet Money: Suitcases, Secret Lists, and Citizens United Listen Now   “If money is buying influence and results over government policies, then most Americans are shut out, because the campaign finance system is dominated by people who are putting up very large sums of money.”  – D21 President Fred Wertheimer There’s a corner of […]