Tag Archive for: Immunity

Chief Justice Roberts Writes SCOTUS’s Most Anti-American, Anti-Democratic Opinion Since Dred Scott

In Trump v. United States, the last opinion of the Supreme Court’s term, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing also for the five other Republican-appointed, conservative Justices, exhibited arrogance and hubris in a shameless attempt to overrule our Founders. The Roberts opinion bestowed absolute immunity for “official acts” in some cases and presumptive immunity in others for Presidents that […]

Wertheimer Op-Ed: “The Return Of The King”

By: Fred Wertheimer, President, Democracy 21 This week, Chief Justice John Roberts and his band of five other Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justices restored the king to the top of our government. Our nation’s Founders fought a revolution to help ensure our nation would be forever free from the clutches of an unrestrained monarch. The Founders […]

SCOTUS Immunity Decision Is Shameful And Destructive Of The Rule Of Law

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer “Our democracy has been dangerously harmed by its misguided decision.” When the Supreme Court, last December, following a federal district court decision in United States v. Trump, rejected the request of Special Counsel Jack Smith to consider former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim for direct review on an […]

A Reminder — 8 Things To Know About The U.S. v. Trump Indictment

Some Supreme Court Justices have slow walked a decision in United States v. Trump to the point where it is virtually guaranteed that former President Donald Trump’s trial for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election will not be held before the November election. The Supreme Court case, first raised for consideration with the Court six months ago, […]

Slow Walking For Trump

For six months now, the Supreme Court, led by six Republican-appointed Justices, has been slow walking a decision on former President Donald Trump’s frivolous claim that he has absolute immunity for actions he took while President. The Justices responsible for this delay have done a grave disservice to the American people. By all appearances, these […]

SCOTUS’s Grave Disservice To The American People & Rule Of Law

For five months, the Supreme Court has been thwarting the trial in United States v. Trump, likely the most important criminal trial in American history and certainly the most important of the four criminal cases brought against former President Donald Trump. The case involves whether or not Trump is held accountable for his unprecedented attempt to overturn […]

The Supreme Court Fails Country In Its Inexplicable Failure To Issue Timely Opinion On Trump Immunity

 Statement Of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer “There is no excuse for taking so long on a case that has such importance to the country.” On March 4, 2024, 25 days after hearing oral argument, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Trump v. Anderson. In that case, the Court ruled favorably for former President […]

Delay Is Working For Trump In 3 Of His 4 Criminal Cases

It’s been 14 days since the Supreme Court heard oral argument in Trump v. United States, the criminal case brought against former President Donald Trump who is charged with attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election. This is arguably the most important criminal case in American history. The case deals with the alleged first attempt at […]

E.J. Dionne Jr. In The Washington Post: “A Crisis Moment” – SCOTUS’s Republican Bias Hangs Over Trump Immunity Case

As members of the Supreme Court’s “6-3 conservative majority ponder how and when they will rule on Donald Trump’s absolute immunity claim, they should understand how much they have already done to paint themselves as instruments of the Republican Party and the political right. They have created a crisis moment,” columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. writes […]

“The Supreme Court Four”

A clear-eyed look at the performance of four conservative Justices during the Supreme Court’s oral argument in Trump v. United States last week shows a remarkable lack of interest in former President Trump’s alleged efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election, which is what this case is about. The four Justices – Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil […]