Tag Archive for: gerrymandering

Trump, A Jury Of His Peers, And The Roberts Court

In an op-ed published Monday on Medium, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer discusses last week’s conviction in New York of former President Donald Trump on all 34 felony counts he faced, and how the Supreme Court could “take a lesson” from the New York jury, judge, and D.A.’s office. The Supreme Court’s current slow-walking of its […]

The Roberts Court And The Systematic Dismantling Of Our Political System

The Supreme Court, controlled by a Republican-appointed majority, has played a seminal role in gravely damaging our political system and our democracy. The Court majority has created a corrupt campaign finance system, undermined the nation’s ability to stop voter discrimination and suppression, and all but eliminated the ability to stop extreme partisan and racial gerrymandering. […]

Our Democracy Is Under Attack

In December 2022, former President Donald Trump called for the Constitution to be terminated so that he could be restored to the presidency he lost in 2020. Our democracy held the line against his unprecedented coup attempt in 2020, but Trump’s attacks continue. Trump’s refusal to accept that he lost the presidency has opened the door to […]

The GOP Is Abandoning The Rule Of Law

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note  |  July 27, 2023 The rule of law is a foundational principle of our country and at the heart of our civilization. But in recent years, Republican officeholders have been abandoning the rule of law and opting instead for raw partisan politics, often at any cost. This started with former President […]

Elections And Democracy Under Siege

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | May 4, 2023 Former President Donald Trump and his coup plotters failed when they tried to steal the 2020 election. Election deniers failed when they tried to win key statewide elections in 2022. That hasn’t stopped MAGA Republicans, triggered by Trump’s lies, from continuing to try to rig elections and […]

Democracy 21 Joins With Campaign Legal Center And Others In Filing Amicus Brief In Supreme Court Case Moore v. Harper

Democracy 21 joined with a diverse group of democracy reform, public policy, advocacy, and faith-based organizations in filing an amicus brief in the case Moore v. Harper, which will be heard by the Supreme Court on December 7. The amicus brief was led by the Campaign Legal Center. Other organizations on the brief, in addition […]