Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price – Wertheimer piece

Enclosed for your information is a piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price,” which was published on Medium today, March 26, 2020. Read the full piece below or here. Congress Worked, But The 2020 Elections Paid A Price By Fred Wertheimer | 3/26/2020 | Medium […]

Ensuring Fair Elections In This Time Of Crisis

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MARCH 19, 2020 “Our democracy must continue to function properly as it has during past periods of national crisis. We must prevent this crisis from being used by President Trump to try to rig the November presidential election.” During this unprecedented time, we have decided to continue our weekly newsletter. […]

Trump Tries To Lie Away A Pandemic

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MARCH 12, 2020 “His lies, his dissembling, his con jobs, and his tweets cannot erase the reality of this dangerous disease that has spread throughout the country.” Coronavirus was first reported in China in December 2019. Today it dominates the United States and everything that is going on in Washington, […]

The Battle for H.R. 1

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MARCH 5, 2020 “Our battle for H.R. 1 will be fought for as long as it takes to win.” This coming Sunday, March 8, marks one year since the House passed H.R. 1, historic democracy reform legislation to repair the nation’s broken political system and corrupt campaign finance system. While […]

Trump Attacks The Judiciary

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 27, 2020 “Speak up, Chief Justice Roberts, and defend your fellow Justices, the judiciary and our constitutional system of checks and balances. The Founders saw a Trump coming. They and their system need defending against our authoritarian President.” Apparently, it just isn’t enough for President Trump to attack Congress, […]

Trump’s Vision of the Presidency: Absolute Power, No Accountability

Trump’s Vision of the Presidency: Absolute Power, No Accountability Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer House and Senate Republicans, joined by Attorney General William Barr, have paved the way for President Trump to exercise his vision of absolute Presidential power without accountability for his actions. This is the approach we fought a revolution to […]

Trump Tests The Constitution. The Constitution Must And Will Prevail.

Trump Tests The Constitution And Challenges Our Founders. The Constitution Must And Will Prevail. Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer President Trump showed again this week that he believes he has dictatorial powers. In the course of two days, Trump improperly interfered in the Executive and Judicial branches of our government. This followed his […]

A Nation of Laws

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 6, 2020 “Senate Republicans said yesterday that Trump is above the law and that we are a nation of men and women, not laws.” The blind loyalty shown by Republican Senators, with the exception of Senator Mitt Romney, in acquitting President Trump yesterday tells us all that Senate Republicans […]

Trump’s License to Steal

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 30, 2020 “We had a revolution to get rid of a king. The Senate Republicans are about to go on record to say that the Founders got that wrong.” Donald Trump seemed to be the only person in the United States who believed, “I have the right to do […]

History Is Watching

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 23, 2020 “History will record the enormous damage done to our democracy and our country by President Trump and by the congressional Republicans who gave license to Trump’s past and future attempts to rig the 2020 presidential election.” The “meticulous and scathing” presentation yesterday by House Intelligence Committee Chair […]