Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

A Consequential Week In Washington

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 24, 2019 “This is not a time to be overconfident, but it is a good time to be a Nats fan.” This has been a consequential week in Washington. First and foremost was the testimony on Tuesday of William Taylor, former Ambassador to Ukraine and currently the charge d’affaires […]

President Trump Is A True National Security Threat

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 17, 2019 “President Trump is a true threat to the national security of the United States.” Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) passed away early this morning. He was a giant in the Congress and one of its most highly respected members. Cummings was known for his fairness, and he had […]

On The Path To Impeachment

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 10, 2019 “President Trump keeps demonstrating to the American people just how patently unfit he is to be President of the United States.” As President Trump engages in one of the most shameful acts in American history by abandoning the Kurds – our allies in the fight to eliminate […]

Don’t Forget About Reform. H.R. 1 Is Not Going Away.

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 3, 2019 “H.R. 1 contains measures that are essential to combating political money corruption in Washington.” Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called out Senate Majority Leader McConnell for blocking Senate consideration of H.R. 1, the unprecedented democracy reform legislation passed by the House more than 200 days ago […]

The Impeachment Dam Breaks

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 26, 2019 “It is the gross abuse of office by Trump and the threat to our national security in the Ukraine affair that moved support for impeachment proceedings to a House majority and that should be addressed first, separately and promptly. “ A majority of House Members are now […]

Trump Attacks Constitution and Congress

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 19, 2019 “If Trump’s brazen, irresponsible effort to broadly thwart congressional oversight prevails, it will create a dangerous precedent for neutering a fundamental constitutional responsibility of Congress.” President Trump, aided and abetted by his politicized, rogue Attorney General William Barr, is in the process of creating a major constitutional […]

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell’s Dereliction of Duty

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 “If Russia or any other foreign country interferes in the 2020 elections, responsibility for this cyberattack on our democracy will fall squarely on ‘Moscow Mitch’ and on President Trump.” As Congress returns from its August recess, “Moscow Mitch” McConnell continues to refuse to allow the Senate to […]

House Judiciary Honing In On Trump and Corruption

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 “The House Judiciary Committee is shifting gears as it moves forward with its impeachment inquiry.” The House Judiciary Committee is shifting gears as it moves forward with its impeachment inquiry. The Committee announced it will hold hearings this fall on the hush money payments President Trump made […]

Trump, the G-7, and the Emoluments Clause

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | AUGUST 28, 2019 “This effort by Trump to financially profit from the 2020 G-7 has just provided the clearest and strongest example of why the lawsuits challenging his violations of the Emoluments Clause should succeed quickly in the courts.” President Trump’s apparent coming violation of the Emoluments Clause of our […]

Trump’s Delusions Reach Fever Pitch

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | AUGUST 22, 2019 “In a week of unusual craziness by President Trump, including his anti-Semitic attacks on Jews and his messianic visions of being godlike, Trump has once again shown his disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law.” In a week of unusual craziness by President Trump, including […]