Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

Parnas + Bloomberg + Impeachment = A Pivotal Week For Trump

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 16, 2020 An interview by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and a campaign spending decision by Michael Bloomberg could have a profound impact on Donald Trump’s presidency and his race for a second term. Maddow’s explosive interview occurred last night with Lev Parnas, who is under indictment for violations of federal […]

Trump Is Guilty As Charged

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 9, 2020 “It is clear beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump is guilty as charged and unfit to serve as President.” The Senate is likely to begin the impeachment trial of President Trump soon. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has prevailed with his partisan approach to establishing the rules […]

Sen. Murkowski Stands Up To Trump & McConnell

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 2, 2020 “Senator Murkowski has been unafraid to oppose Trump on matters of great importance.” Lisa Murkowski is a moderate/conservative Republican Senator who votes with her party most of the time. Senator Murkowski (R-AK) is also a courageous, independent-minded Senator who has been willing to break with President Trump, […]

Trump Cannot Change History

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | DECEMBER 19, 2019 “The arrogance and disdain for the American people reflected in McConnell’s turning over the Senate impeachment trial to the very subject of the trial, President Trump, is stunningly irresponsible.” Yesterday, President Trump became the third President in the history of the United States to be impeached. He […]

The Extraordinary Damage Bill Barr Has Done

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | DECEMBER 12, 2019 “William Barr will likely go down as the worst Attorney General in U.S. history.” As President Trump heads for impeachment next week, it is clear beyond any reasonable doubt that he is unfit to serve. So is his rogue Attorney General, Bill Barr. Barr made clear from […]

Trump’s Impeachable Conduct

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | DECEMBER 5, 2019 “President Trump must be held accountable through impeachment for his indefensible, irresponsible conduct. History will establish why this had to be done.” Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony from three constitutional scholars who did an excellent job of explaining the history and meaning of the Constitution’s […]

When The Articles Reach The House Floor

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | NOVEMBER  21, 2019 “When the Articles reach the House floor, we can expect President Trump to be impeached.” The testimony today by witnesses before the House Intelligence Committee in the Trump Impeachment inquiry concludes the current schedule of public testimony from witnesses. The current and former Trump Administration witnesses we […]

Trump’s Actions Are Clear And Indefensible

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | NOVEMBER  14, 2019 “The actions taken by President Trump are clear and indefensible.” The House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings that began yesterday brought powerful factual testimony from two Administration officials with impeccable records of public service and irrefutable credibility about President Trump’s improper conduct in the Ukraine scandal. In the […]

You Can Call It A Bribe, A Quid Pro Quo, Or Extortion

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | NOVEMBER  7, 2019 “Whether you call this a bribe, a quid pro quo, or extortion, it is a blatant abuse of presidential power and a violation of a fundamental rule that prohibits foreign governments from intervening in and manipulating our elections.” The evidence is now overwhelming that President Trump attempted […]

House Moves Forward on Impeachment, while Senate GOP Blocks Election Security (Again)

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 31, 2019 “The coming attacks on the 2020 elections by Russia do not seem to bother ‘Moscow Mitch’ one bit.” The House voted today to adopt rules to govern the next stage of its Trump impeachment inquiry. In doing so, the House moved one step closer to the impeachment […]