
New Brookings Report: Trump Is At “Substantial Risk Of Criminal Prosecution” In Georgia

A new report from the Brookings Institution, released today, considers the relevant facts and context of the push by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia. The Brookings report asserts that Trump’s post-election conduct in Georgia leaves him at substantial risk of criminal prosecution in Fulton County, Georgia. A criminal […]

Justice Dept Must Not Allow Trump To Use Candidacy As “Cover” To Block Investigations

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | November 10, 2022 The Department of Justice for some time has been conducting criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump’s activities. These investigations include whether Trump led a conspiracy to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and whether he illegally took top secret and other government documents […]

Eisen/Wertheimer Op-Ed On Slate: Pennsylvania’s Law Is Clear — Absentee Ballots Should Be Counted

The following op-ed by Amb. Norman Eisen (ret.) and Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer was published today on Slate.   Slate  |  11/8/2022 The Fate of the Midterms Could Rest in a Pennsylvania Courtroom  By: Norman L. Eisen and Fred Wertheimer Under the radar, a state court issued an opinion last week that could prove […]

Wertheimer On Brookings: The “Independent State Legislature Theory” Will Not Empower State Legislatures To Override Presidential Election Results

There is a key misconception about the potential impact of an upcoming Supreme Court case and the “independent state legislature theory,” Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer writes in an op-ed published on Brookings. The misconception, Wertheimer writes, is this: “[I]f the ‘independent state legislature theory’ is adopted by the Supreme Court in the case of Moore v. […]

Election Deniers, Voter Intimidation, & The Dangers Facing Our Democracy

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | November 3, 2022 The Trump effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election was an unprecedented attack on our democracy that continues to this day with the election deniers’ movement. The threat is real and extremely dangerous. Millions of Americas have died to protect our country and our democracy, which holds […]

UPDATED! “Criminal Evidence Tracker, Trump Subpoena Edition” – Includes New Evidence From Jan. 6th Hearings

  A new Criminal Evidence Tracker — Trump Subpoena Edition, published in Just Security, examines the evidence of possible criminal activity by former President Donald Trump in the coup attempt he led to overturn the presidential election in 2020. The tracker was prepared by former Ambassador Norman Eisen, CREW, and Democracy 21. The Tracker has been updated with […]

Two Fundamental Threats Facing Democracy As Election Day Nears

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | October 27, 2022 As we head into the final days of the midterm elections, Americans are facing two fundamental threats to our democracy. Threat One: Baseless attacks on our elections, led by former President Trump and his followers, are  dangerously undermining the faith of tens of millions of Americans in […]

Democracy 21 Joins With Campaign Legal Center And Others In Filing Amicus Brief In Supreme Court Case Moore v. Harper

Democracy 21 joined with a diverse group of democracy reform, public policy, advocacy, and faith-based organizations in filing an amicus brief in the case Moore v. Harper, which will be heard by the Supreme Court on December 7. The amicus brief was led by the Campaign Legal Center. Other organizations on the brief, in addition […]

Former Republican Officials, Including Top DOJ Officials And Former Federal Prosecutors, File Amicus Brief Supporting Government’s Appeal Of Special Master Ruling In Mar-a-Lago Documents Case

The District Court erred and “abandoned the fundamental principle that no one is above the law.” Last month’s court order by federal District Judge Aileen Cannon authorizing a special master in the Mar-a-Lago documents case “repeatedly granted the plaintiff in this case, former President Donald J. Trump, procedural rights and protections that are not afforded […]

A Major Misconception About The “Independent State Legislature Theory”

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | October 20, 2022 On December 7, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Moore v. Harper, a case which could dramatically and dangerously rewrite American democracy. In this case, a North Carolina redistricting plan that was rejected by the state’s Supreme Court is being defended by North Carolina legislators who […]