
Thursday’s Jan. 6 Hearing And What Comes Next

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | October 13, 2022 Thursday, October 13 marks the last scheduled public meeting of the House January 6th Committee that is examining former President Trump’s attempted coup, the violent, insurrectionist attack on the Capitol he incited, and the events surrounding his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The Committee is expected […]

NEW! Jan. 6th Hearing Scheduled For Thursday, October 13. When/Where To Watch, Plus Background And Resources

  “This is deadly serious. This is American democracy. This story deserves more attention. It’s a primetime story, but it’s not a one-and-done special movie. This is real life. This is democracy under the microscope.” – Robert Costa, Investigative Reporter, CBS News NEXT HEARING: Thursday, October 13, at 1 p.m. Eastern This is expected to be the […]

Election Deniers Could Throw Our Democracy Into Chaos

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | October 6, 2022 With less than five weeks to go, we are heading into dangerous and uncharted waters for the midterm elections. Former President Trump’s continuous false claim, without a shred of evidence, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him was only the beginning of a nationwide effort […]

Progress On Electoral Count Act Reform In Congress; SCOTUS To Consider “Independent State Legislature Theory”

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | September 29, 2022 Two critical issues that go to the heart of the integrity of our elections will play out this fall – one in Congress and one in the Supreme Court. Electoral Count Act Reform Moves Forward In Congress In the past two weeks, Congress has made major progress […]

Electoral Count Reform Act Reported Today By Senate Rules Committee In 14-1 Vote Is Essential Legislation To Protect Against Another Presidential Coup Attempt

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022 (ECRA) that reforms antiquated 19th-century laws governing the presidential election process is essential and urgently needed legislation to help ensure that any future Trump-like presidential coup attempt will not succeed. Democracy 21 applauds the Senate Rules Committee, led by Chairwoman Amy […]

Eisen/Wertheimer In Just Security: Was DeSantis Shipping Migrants To Martha’s Vineyard A Crime?

“The treatment of the Migrants who were transported from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard has gripped the nation. There can be little doubt that it was wrong,” Amb. Norman Eisen (ret.) and Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer write in a detailed analysis of the recent actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis published today in Just Security. In a […]

Trump’s Dog Whistle For QAnon

Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note | September 22, 2022 As former President Donald Trump’s legal problems multiply and intensify, we need to be clear-eyed about what he is up to with his latest moves to embrace QAnon. The core belief of this right-wing fringe conspiracy movement is the off-the-charts position that Trump is “waging a secret war […]

Democracy 21 Applauds House Passage Of The Presidential Election Reform Act

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 applauds the House of Representatives and the Representatives who voted today to pass the Presidential Election Reform Act that will close dangerous loopholes in our presidential election laws. We especially applaud the commitment and hard work of the legislation’s main sponsors, Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and […]

Democracy 21 Strongly Urges House To Pass Lofgren-Cheney Presidential Election Reform Act To Reform Antiquated 19th-Century Laws Governing Presidential Election Process

Democracy 21 today strongly urged House Members to vote for H.R. 8873, the Presidential Election Reform Act (PERA), introduced by Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Liz Cheney (R-WY). The legislation is expected to come to the House floor on Wednesday. This legislation provides for essential reforms to two antiquated 19th-century laws that govern the presidential […]

D21 Strongly Urges Senate To Pass The DISCLOSE Act That Requires Public Disclosure Of Large Donors To Dark Money Groups

Democracy 21 today strongly urged the Senate to vote to invoke cloture and support enactment of S. 4822, the DISCLOSE Act, when it comes to the floor this week. The DISCLOSE Act would require 501(c)(4) dark money groups which spend money in federal elections to promptly disclose donors who have given $10,000 or more during […]