
Chief Justice John Roberts Bends The Knee To Trump

Chief Justice John Roberts appears to have sold out the independent third branch of government he leads, by choosing to bend the knee to former President Donald Trump. Roberts has appeared in recent years to lose his leadership of the Supreme Court to the Trump-aligned wing of the Court. Roberts’s response has been to seize […]

Crosspartisan Coalition, Including D21, Urges Presidential Candidates To Embrace Transparency, Disclose Their Campaign “Bundlers”

Thirteen organizations from across the ideological spectrum, including Democracy 21, have urged Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to publicly reveal information about their top campaign fundraisers before Election Day. The coalition effort was organized by Issue One. Called “bundlers” for the bundles of campaign donation […]

A Corrupt & Obscene Campaign Finance System

Today’s campaign finance system floods Washington with unprecedented levels of influence-seeking and influence-buying campaign money. It is an unfair and corrupt system. It is also an obscene system where, for example, former President Donald Trump reportedly told top oil executives they should raise $1 billion for him. In return Trump said he would, if elected, immediately reverse […]

Can Democrats Get A Trifecta In November And Use It To Enact Democracy Reforms?

In January 2021, two Democrats won Senate runoff elections in Georgia. This flipped the Senate and resulted in an unexpected “trifecta” – Democratic control of the White House, the House, and the Senate. That 2021 trifecta brought an important opportunity and Congress came within two Senate votes of enacting historic democracy reforms, including reforms to […]

What A Democratic Trifecta In November Would Mean For Democracy Reforms

In January 2021, two Democrats won Senate runoff elections in Georgia. This flipped the Senate and resulted in an unexpected “trifecta” – Democratic control of the White House, the House, and the Senate. While a Democratic trifecta this November would be difficult, it is possible, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer writes in an op-ed published today […]

Buckle Up. The Road To November Will Be A Whirlwind.

Summer is winding down and, with the close of the Democratic Convention tonight, election season kicks into hyperdrive. With Election Day just 74 days away, we stand on the brink of what will be the most expensive and one of the most consequential elections in our nation’s history. It’s vitally important that the integrity of […]

“Never Give Up. Never Give In.”

In the last Congress, the Senate came within two votes of sending historic democracy reform legislation to President Biden for his signature. The bills were blocked when two then-Democratic Senators – Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin – joined with Republicans to prevent passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. […]

The Trump J6 Case Is Back

The January 6 criminal case brought against former President Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith is back in federal district court with Judge Tanya Chutkan. Some thought the case was over when the Supreme Court ruled last month that a former President cannot be prosecuted for actions relating to the core powers of their […]

A Rogue Supreme Court

Today’s Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, is likely to go down as one of the worst Supreme Courts in American history. It is a radical Court. If you look at the nearly 20-year record of this Court since Roberts was appointed Chief Justice in 2005, you will find a rogue Court that […]

10 Days That Rocked America

It began on July 13 with the horrifying assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. Five days later, on July 18, Trump accepted the Republican party’s presidential nomination with a rambling 92-minute acceptance speech. It was the third time the party had nominated Trump to run for President. Then, on […]