
Major Scandals Lead To Major Reforms

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | October 4, 2018 “If Democrats win control of the House in November, the fight to enact sweeping campaign finance and other democracy reforms will begin immediately.” A powerful new force emerged on the scene today to challenge the role money and special interests are playing in undermining citizen faith in the […]

107 House Democratic Challengers Call for Congress to Pass Sweeping, Bold Reforms First in 2019 Session

107 House Democratic Challengers Call for Congress to Pass Sweeping, Bold Reforms as the First Item of Business in the 2019 Session In a letter distributed by End Citizens United for them, 107 House Democratic challengers wrote to all members of the House calling for bold, sweeping reforms to restore “faith in our elections and […]

McConnell Damages The Supreme Court

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 28, 2018 “McConnell violates all rules of fair play. “ The enormous damage that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has done to the integrity and credibility of the Supreme Court can be seen in his handling of two of the recent nominations to the Court. When Justice Antonin Scalia […]

National Organizations and Concerned Citizens Urge Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Not to Resign and to Stay in Office to Protect Mueller Investigation

National Organizations and Concerned Citizens Urge Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Not to Resign and to Stay in Office to Protect Mueller Investigation Thirty-nine national organizations and concerned citizens sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein today urging him not to resign and to continue his service at the Department of Justice. The […]

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Should Not Resign, Mueller Investigation Must be Protected

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Should Not Resign, Mueller Investigation Must be Protected from Trump Obstructing the Investigation Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should not resign because of the controversial and challenged article in The New York Times. Deputy AG Rosenstein has been responsible for ensuring that there is no political interference with the Mueller […]

New York Times Article Provides No Grounds for Trump to Remove Rosenstein and Take Control of the Mueller Investigation

The article in The New York Times today about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was apparently generated by leakers trying to get Rosenstein fired. Mr. Rosenstein has described the allegations in the Times story as “inaccurate and factually incorrect.” The Times article does not provide grounds for President Trump to remove Rosenstein from his current […]

McConnell’s SCOTUS Manipulations

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | September 20, 2018 “McConnell’s devious Supreme Court manipulations are a grave miscarriage of justice that will not be soon forgotten.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rules Senate Republicans with an iron fist and no velvet glove. He is a disaster for the American people. He first made his bones in […]

Sessions’ Recusal and Rosenstein’s Appointment of a Special Counsel—Both Were Legally Required (Just Security op-ed)

Enclosed for your information is an op-ed entitled “Sessions’ Recusal and Rosenstein’s Appointment of a Special Counsel—Both Were Legally Required,” by D21 President Fred Wertheimer and D21 Counsel Donald Simon, which was published here in JustSecurity on September 17, 2018. According to the op-ed: First, Trump has repeatedly attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing […]

A Chance To Enact Critical Reforms

President Trump is crashing in the polls. Two recent polls have a Democrats’ “blue wave” in the making, with 14– and 12-point leads in the generic vote for House races. And the stage is being set in Congress for a historic effort to begin early next year to fix our broken and corrupt political system, […]

A Possible Turning Point in the Trump Presidency

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 30, 2018 “We find ourselves again with one more eerie reminder of the parallels between the Trump presidency and the Nixon Watergate scandals that ended with President Nixon’s resignation.” This week may go down as the turning point in the Trump presidency. It started on Saturday with the funeral […]