
A Chance To Enact Critical Reforms

President Trump is crashing in the polls. Two recent polls have a Democrats’ “blue wave” in the making, with 14– and 12-point leads in the generic vote for House races. And the stage is being set in Congress for a historic effort to begin early next year to fix our broken and corrupt political system, […]

A Possible Turning Point in the Trump Presidency

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 30, 2018 “We find ourselves again with one more eerie reminder of the parallels between the Trump presidency and the Nixon Watergate scandals that ended with President Nixon’s resignation.” This week may go down as the turning point in the Trump presidency. It started on Saturday with the funeral […]

Devin Nunes Has Become Trump’s Self-Assigned Chief Defender — Serving The President, Not The Public – NBC Think

Enclosed for your information is an opinion piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled “Devin Nunes has become Trump’s self-assigned chief defender — serving the president, not the public,” which was published on September 4, 2018, in NBC Think. According to the piece: In the name of protecting [President] Trump at all costs, [Rep.] […]

The Duplicity of Lindsey Graham

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 30, 2018 “There is an old saying in politics: ‘My word is my bond.’ Apparently Senator Graham was out of town the day that lesson was taught.” Want a classic example of why the American people have such low regard for Members of Congress? Meet Senator Lindsey Graham of […]

Democracy 21 Challenges Sen. Graham on Abandoning his Pledge to the American People to Protect Mueller Investigation from Interference

Democracy 21 Challenges Sen. Graham on Abandoning his Pledge to the American People to Protect Mueller Investigation from Interference In a letter sent to Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today, Democracy 21 expressed deep concern about the Senator’s apparent abandonment of his earlier pledge to the American people “to make sure that Mr. Mueller can continue […]

Don’t forget Donald Trump Jr. and his Trump Tower meeting. He broke the law, too. – USA Today op-ed by Fred Wertheimer

Enclosed is an opinion piece entitled “Don’t forget Donald Trump Jr. and his Trump Tower meeting. He broke the law, too,” which was published here in USA Today on August 29, 2018. Read the full piece below or here. Don’t forget Donald Trump Jr. and his Trump Tower meeting. He broke the law, too. Fred […]

Democracy 21 Files Complaint with Office of Congressional Ethics Against Rep. Duncan Hunter

In a complaint filed today with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer called on the OCE to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the conduct of Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA). “Rep. Hunter and his wife were apparently ripping off their campaign donors by living off of their campaign contributions in gross […]

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on Senator John McCain

  I join with innumerable others in our country and throughout the world in expressing my deepest sympathies to Cindy McCain and the McCain family on the loss of Senator John McCain. Senator McCain was a servant of the people in the truest sense of the words and an American hero in many ways. Senator […]

Speaker Paul Ryan and the Contempt of Congress threat to Deputy AG Rosenstein – CNN opinion by Fred Wertheimer

Enclosed for your information is an opinion piece by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled “Paul Ryan will soon face a ‘sense of decency’ moment,” which was published by CNN on August 24, 2018. Read the full piece below or here. Paul Ryan will soon face a “sense of decency” moment Fred Wertheimer | August […]

Paul Ryan’s Impending Choices

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | August 23, 2018 “Does Ryan enable or prevent the effort by House Freedom Caucus leaders, Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, to hold Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt of Congress?” As the walls are closing in on President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan has a fateful decision to […]